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*Bianca's Perspective*

Well, well, well. Look who decided to pick up a book and join us on this literary adventure. I'm Bianca, the sassy one who's not afraid to call it like it is.

*Brie's Perspective*

And I'm Brie, the twin who spends half her time trying to keep Bianca's snark in check. Not that it ever works, but hey, at least I try.

*Bianca's Perspective*

So, you're probably wondering what you've stumbled upon, huh? Good ol' "Stuck with You." But before we dive in, let's make one thing clear-this ain't your typical mushy-gushy love story.

*Brie's Perspective*

Yeah, we're not here for the fairytales and lovey-dovey stuff. Our parents, Gabi and Ben, well, they're anything but traditional. And trust me, we've seen it all.

*Bianca's Perspective*

But hold up, Brie. Before we go any further, I've got to say this. If you're expecting a cliché, predictable plotline, you might as well close the book now.

*Brie's Perspective*

Bianca, you're scaring them away. Okay, listen up, dear reader. Our parents' story is... let's just say it's unique. And we're here to give you a glimpse into their whirlwind of a romance.

*Bianca's Perspective*

Right, right. So here's the thing. We were about to spill the tea on how our parents' lives got tangled up, but of course, someone had to show up and ruin our fun.

*Gabi (Walking in)*

Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your little intro, my lovely children. But let's not forget who's telling this story.

*Brie's Perspective*

And there she is, our wonderful and all-knowing mother, Gabi. The one who's about to give you the real scoop on how it all went down.


You got it, kiddos. Now, step aside and let the pro take over.

*Bianca's Perspective*

Ugh, fine. But just know, dear reader, if our mom tries to make herself sound all perfect and romantic, take it with a grain of salt. Reality was a bit messier.


Alright, alright. Let's dive in, shall we? Get ready for a story that's not just about love, but about navigating life's unexpected turns. It all started with a certain lighting designer named Ben...

*Brie's Perspective*

And their paths collided in a way that was anything but ordinary. So, buckle up, folks, because it's gonna be a wild ride.

*Bianca's Perspective*

Yeah, yeah. And if our mom gets too carried away with the mushy stuff, just remember, we're here to keep it real. Let's get this show on the road!

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