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**(The story was told by Gabi)**

Gabi finished recounting the tale, and the twins, well, mostly Bianca, seemed relieved that it was finally over. As always, Bianca couldn't resist throwing in her signature sassy and sarcastic remarks, making Brie roll her eyes.

**Bianca:** Ah, the power of true love conquers all. How heartwarmingly cliché.

**Brie:** Can we just appreciate the story without the commentary, Bianca?

**Bianca:** Sure, Captain Serious. Yasmin and Will, though. What happened to them? Did they just vanish into thin air?

**Brie:** Good question. What did happen to them?

Gabi chimed in, wrapping up the loose ends. "Oh, Yasmin and Will? They're still here in California, doing their thing. Yasmin's designing up a storm, and Will's creating music."

**Brie:** Nice. At least they got their happy ending too.

**Bianca:** Yeah, yeah, happy endings all around. Can we finally finish this?

Brie attempted to keep Bianca on track, but predictably, Bianca got annoyed.

**Brie:** Let's just—

**Bianca:** You know what, Brie? Sometimes I wish you were a GPS, so you'd actually stay on track.

**Brie:** And sometimes I wish you'd just zip it.

The tension escalated, and they fell into their typical sibling argument mode, complete with exaggerated eye rolls and gestures.

**Gabi:** *\[sighs\]* Alright, girls, calm down. Let's not turn this into a World War III.

But they were too engrossed in their squabble to hear her. Finally, Gabi stepped in, her patience wearing thin.

**Gabi:** *\[firmly\]* That's enough! I'm trying to wrap up here.

**Bianca:** *\[grumbles\]* Fine.

**Brie:** *\[sulking\]* Yeah, whatever.

Gabi took a deep breath and finally said her goodbyes. "Well, that's the end of the story. Hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did sharing it."

Just as she turned to leave, the twins' voices echoed in unison, "Mom!"

Gabi paused and turned back, raising an eyebrow. "What now?"

The twins continued their squabble, not even noticing their mother's stern expression.

**Bianca:** *\[yelling\]* She started it!

**Brie:** *\[shouting\]* Did not, you—

**Gabi:** *\[loudly\]* ENOUGH!

Silence fell over the room as the twins stared wide-eyed at their mother.

**Gabi:** Don't make me get your father involved. Now, go work out your differences elsewhere.

The twins exchanged a quick glance before muttering their apologies and parting ways, their bickering fading into the distance.

Gabi shook her head with a bemused smile, her final line breaking the fourth wall.

**Gabi:** And that's why I always say, writing about teenagers is a rollercoaster you can never truly prepare for.

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