Chapter 8

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After a particularly long day, I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, lost in thought. The stresses of school, the musical, and just life in general seemed to be piling up, and I needed a break. I glanced at my phone, half-expecting a message from Brandon, but there was nothing.

With a sigh, I decided to take a break from overthinking everything and started to play some random chords on my guitar. The sound was soothing, and for a moment, I felt a semblance of peace. But that peace was short-lived as a knock on my window startled me.

I turned, my heart racing, and my eyes widened when I saw Ben's face outside. What was he doing here? I quickly unlocked the window and opened it, allowing him to climb inside.

"Ben? What are you doing here?" I asked, my surprise evident in my voice.

He ran a hand through his hair, looking a bit flustered. "I needed to get out of the house for a bit. Things have been... tense."

I nodded, understanding the unspoken message. I knew his parents' situation wasn't great, and I couldn't imagine what it must be like for him. "Well, you're welcome here. You know that plus my mom loves you ."

He gave me a grateful smile, and for a moment, the awkwardness that had often characterized our interactions seemed to fade away. We spent some time talking, catching up on school, the musical, and just life in general. It was easy, like the walls between us had momentarily crumbled.

After dinner, I found myself sitting at the piano in the corner of the living room. The weight of one of our songs from the musical had been pressing on me for weeks. It was like I couldn't quite find the right melody, the right emotion to convey what I wanted to say. And tonight, with Ben's unexpected presence, I felt like maybe I could finally break through that barrier.

I started playing the first few chords, the notes filling the room with a mix of nostalgia and longing. Ben watched me, his expression a mix of curiosity and appreciation. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the music, letting my fingers glide across the keys.

As I played, I felt a presence beside me, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that Ben had taken a seat next to me on the piano bench. Our hands were so close that I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin. It was a strange, almost electric feeling, like a current passing between us.

Without a word, he started playing a few chords on the piano, his fingers dancing over the keys with a practiced ease. Our music melded together, a harmonious blend of emotions that seemed to encapsulate everything we had been through.

I glanced at him, our eyes locking for a moment, and in that instant, I felt a connection that was hard to put into words. It was as if we were on the same wavelength, our hearts beating to the same rhythm.

And then, it happened-our hands brushed against each other, the touch sending a jolt of energy through me. My heart raced, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. In that split second, it was like time stood still, and I realized just how close we were.

Our faces were mere inches apart, the tension between us palpable. It was a moment that could have easily tipped over into something more-a kiss, a confession of feelings that had been bubbling beneath the surface. But just as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed.

I pulled away slightly, my gaze intense. " Ben ..."

He swallowed, he's heart still pounding in his chest. "Yeah?"

I hesitated, my expression conflicted. " I have a boyfriend and you should get home it's late ."

He nodded, my heart a mix of disappointment and understanding. "Right. My dad probably going to be worried ."

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