Chapter 11

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Gabi Hair and outfit

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Gabi Hair and outfit

I feel like drama keeps following everywhere,  every-time something comes up I'm in the center of it all and it's exhausting. I just want everything to stop for a like second and no drama just peace but this is high school nothing stops for nothing Will leaned against the lockers, glancing at Ben with a sly grin. "Hey, man, you know what they say-timing is everything."

Ben rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "Oh, come on, Will. Now's not the right time."

Will nudged him playfully. "Dude, she's single now. You've been waiting for this moment forever. It's like the universe is giving you a sign."

Ben sighed, a mixture of frustration and uncertainty in his expression. "I get it, but with everything that's been going on, I don't know if it's the best time to complicate things."

Will laughed, clapping Ben on the shoulder. "Complicate things? That's what you guys do best. And besides, you've got nothing to lose."

Ben gave him a skeptical look. "Easy for you to say."

Will grinned, leaning in with an exaggerated whisper. "I'm thinking about asking Yasmin on a date."

Ben arched an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Really? About time, man."

Will nodded enthusiastically, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Yeah, she's been dropping hints like crazy, and I figure it's time to make a move."

Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "Good luck with that."

As Will walked away, Ben couldn't help but smile. Maybe Will was right-maybe it was time to finally tell Gabi how he felt. But the timing had to be perfect, and he needed to be sure that it was what she wanted too.


I sat in my room, surrounded by the remnants of torn papers and crossed-out lines. This song was supposed to capture my emotions, to bring some clarity to the chaos in my life. But every attempt felt forced, like I was trying too hard to put into words what I couldn't even understand myself.

Frustration built up within me, and I slammed my pen down on the desk. I buried my face in my hands, feeling the weight of the expectations crushing me. The musical was my passion, my escape, but now it felt like a burden, a reminder of how tangled and messy my life had become.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to rehearsal. As I stepped into the room, everyone's eyes turned to me expectantly. They were waiting for me to work my magic, to transform their notes into a symphony of emotions.

But as the music began, I stumbled over the lyrics, my voice cracking under the pressure. The room felt stifling, and I felt like I was suffocating. Unable to bear the weight of their expectations, I dropped the microphone and fled from the room.

Raindrops mingled with my tears as I stepped outside, needing space to breathe, to escape the chaos that had become my reality. I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned to see Ben.

"What do you want?" I snapped, my voice a mix of frustration and desperation.

He met my gaze, his eyes intense. "I want you to talk to me, Gabi."

I shook my head, feeling my emotions threaten to spill over. "Talk? About what? The mess we've made of everything?"

He stepped closer, his voice unwavering. "Yes, about everything. About us."

I looked away, my throat tightening. "Ben, this isn't good for either of us. Being together-it's not a good idea. You don't love me anyway."

His expression softened, his eyes searching mine. "You really believe that?"

Before I could respond, he continued. "Gabi, I know things are chaotic, but that doesn't mean we can't figure this out."

I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes. "I can't, Ben. I can't keep going on like this."

He reached out, his fingers brushing against my arm. "Gabi, please."

I met his gaze, my voice barely above a whisper. "This isn't healthy for either of us. We need a break."

He looked taken aback, his grip on my arm loosening. "A break?"

I nodded, my voice growing steadier. "Yes, a break from the drama, the musical-everything."

He took a step back, his expression conflicted. "Gabriella, don't make a hasty decision."

I shook my head, my resolve firm. "I need this, Ben. I need to step back and find myself again."

He looked torn, his voice gentle. "Okay, Gabriella. If that's what you need."

His use of my full name told me he understood the seriousness of my decision, even if it hurt him too. As I turned away, the rain falling around me, I knew I was making the right choice. It was time to put myself first, to find a way out of the constant chaos that had taken over my life.

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