Chapter 10

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What a weekend almost kiss my ex a girl kissed my boyfriend and I threw a drink at someone on purpose I knew junior year was going to be different but not like this

I stood at my locker, my mind still heavy with the argument from the other night. The rain had stopped, but the residue of our heated exchange lingered within me. As I fumbled with my books, I heard Brandon's voice behind me.

"Hey, Gabi, can we talk?" he asked, his tone cautious.

I closed my locker with a sigh, turning to face him. "What is it, Brandon?"

He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze fixed on the ground for a moment before he looked up at me. "Look, about the party and Jade... I think you're overreacting."

My eyes narrowed, my voice laced with frustration. "Overreacting? Brandon, she's been all over you, and you're telling me I'm overreacting?"

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Gabi, it's not a big deal. Jade is just being Jade."

I felt my anger rising, my voice getting louder. "Not a big deal? She's practically flaunting it in front of my face!"

Before I could say anything more, Jade appeared, her signature smirk in place. "Well, well, well, looks like the drama queen is at it again."

I clenched my fists, the urge to give her a piece of my mind almost overwhelming. But then, I remembered the argument with Ben, the chaos that had ensued, and I took a deep breath, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Of course, you would have something to say, Jade."

She raised an eyebrow, her gaze challenging. "You know, Gabi, if you're so concerned about your boyfriend, maybe you should keep a better leash on him."

My restraint snapped, my anger boiling over. Before I knew it, my fist connected with Jade's face, the impact echoing through the hallway. She stumbled back, shock and pain written all over her expression.

"You mess with the wrong bitch. Don't test me," I hissed, my chest heaving with anger and adrenaline.

Just as things were about to escalate further, Ben appeared, his strong presence cutting through the tension. He stepped between us, his voice firm.

"Enough, both of you."

Jade gave me one last venomous look before stalking away, nursing her bruised pride. My hands were still shaking with the remnants of my anger, but as I looked at Ben, his eyes holding a mix of concern and exasperation, a sense of clarity washed over me.

I swear drama is just following me everywhere fuck sack

At rehearsal Rehearsals were in full swing, and despite the recent chaos in my life, I found solace in the familiarity of the theater. As I stood behind the soundboard, adjusting levels and testing microphones, Ben walked over to join me. There was an unspoken understanding between us-we were here to work, to put aside our personal drama for the sake of the show.

"Hey," he said, his tone soft as he adjusted his guitar strap.

I nodded in acknowledgment, focusing on the soundboard. "Hey."

We fell into a comfortable rhythm, the silence only broken by the occasional sound check. But as the minutes passed, the memories of our time together flooded my mind-the late-night rehearsals, the laughter, the shared moments. It was hard to believe that we had gone from being friends to this-strangers with a tangled history.

"Remember that time we stayed up all night working on that song?" Ben's voice broke through the silence, his tone nostalgic.

I looked up at him, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Yeah, how could I forget? We were both sleep-deprived messes the next day."

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