3 - Movie Date

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I open the front door and step aside. Barrett walks past me but stops in the doorway and turns to me. He smiles. "I had fun." He says.

I smile. "Didn't seem so." I joke and he laughs. I grin.

"No. I did."

I nod. "I know."

He looks up at me from the ground, his smile fading. I watch him until he suddenly wraps his arms around my shoulders and his head is buried into my shoulder. Obviously, I'm surprised but I hug him back. A long moment later, he pulls back and turns. "Alright. See you tomorrow." He says and he's out the door. I just sorta stand there confused, but I shut the door and turn and walk away.

The next morning, I'm woken up by Kate harshly pushing at my shoulder. "Hey, idiot, wake up. We're late!" I groan and sink my face into my pillow. "Wake up!" She yells and she pulls the pillow from beneath my head and hits me with it.

"Alright. Alright." I sit up. "I'm up."

"God. You're so annoying." She says as she turns to leave.

I grab her arm and pull her back and push her onto my bed and I grab the pillow she hit me with and I hit her back. "I'm what?" She laughs. "I'm what, Kate?" She's shoving me, but I don't budge and I push the pillow lightly against her face.

"Annoying!" She yells from behind the pillow but it's muffled.

I grin. "I'm sorry, what?"

She pushes the pillow away and shoves me. "I said you were annoying! Now, get ready before you make us even more late." She stands and walks away. I roll my eyes and throw the pillow at her.

I walk down the hall to my first class, seeing as I missed form. I stop at the vending machine and get myself a soda. "Hi." I look to my left and smile at the girl that approached me. "I'm Zamora Welch." She says.

I nod. "Evan."

"I know." I lean over and take my drink from the slot and stand and turn towards her. I remember Celeste mentioning something about her the first day of school, but I know it's just gossip she heard, so I don't let that stop me from being nice. "I was wondering if you had plans tomorrow night, maybe we could go to the cinema?"

I smile and say, "I don't know. I'm not really looking for anything right now, I'm trying to focus on school and-"

"We could go as friends then.. or potential friends and you can invite anyone you want."

"Can I think about it?"

"Sure. Here's my number." I take the paper and she smiles and turns and walks away. I slip the paper into my pocket and turn. I walk into class and take my seat.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Mr. Lennon."

"I'm sorry, Miss."

"So, does anyone have anything they want to share?" Celeste asks after it's silent for a long period of time.

I look up. "Zamora Welch asked me on a date this morning." I say and Barrett and Celeste look at me quite quickly.

"What?" They say in unison.

I laugh. "Yeah, but I told her I wasn't looking and she said that it could be a group thing and maybe you guys could come? So I won't feel bad if I had to blow her off."

"Geez, you're such a softie." Celeste says with a grin and she looks down at her food.

I laugh. "Piss off, Cel."

"I'll go."

I smile over at Barrett then look back at Celeste. She stares at me and rolls her eyes and nods. "Alright, fine. But you both are coming with me to Bella's party."

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