19 - Accusations

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"What's going on?" I hesitate to ask. But I know what's going on. They knew, from the apologetic look on Kate's face and the distraught look on mum's face, almost like it caused her physical pain to look at me, the way dad didn't speak, not wanting to look at me, I knew that they knew. The silence was dreadful, painful. For some time, no one says anything. I don't repeat myself and I don't question why dad won't look at me or why Kate looks like she's about to drop to her knees and beg for forgiveness or why mum looks so damn heartbroken. Another silent, dreadful moment passes before mum finally speaks.

"Is it true?" Her voice is just as heartbroken as her demeanor, it's wobbly and high-pitched, and it's breaking with every word. "Is what Kate said true? About the party?" She asks. I look at Kate, our eyes meet, hers are full of tears and like I said before, apologetic, and mine are probably dead, emotionless.

"Evan, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to tell them. I-I.. they just kept asking about the party and I panicked, I'm so sorry." Her voice is frantic and wobbly. I don't say anything and I look at dad.

"Evan." I look at mum. "We're worried about you. Were you drinking?"

I finally make an expression and It's confusion. I furrow my eyebrows. "What?" I ask.

"At the party. Were you drinking?"

I fumble for words, but say, "I-I- yes, I guess so.."

"And you were drunk and took a girl upstairs?" My eyebrows furrow again. "And you drunkenly forced yourself onto her?" She asks.

My heart aches and I feel disgusted. My face scrunches and my head snaps to the side. "What? God. No, mum."

"You didn't rape her? And in fear of getting in trouble, you didn't twist the story?" I look at her, eyes wide and full of tears, then I look down. "It's okay, baby, you can tell us the truth."

I look up. "I was raped." I snap. I feel a tear fall down my face. "I was the one, mum. Okay, yes, I was drunk but I didn't force myself onto her. She got in bed with me and I told her to stop, I told her to leave me alone and she didn't. She raped me." I look to Kate. "You believe me, don't you? I told you what happened." She looks down. My heart drops and I step back. Finally, dad speaks up.

"The girl told her parents, Evan, and they told us." I turn and mumble things under my breath, mainly how I can't fucking believe this is happening. "She said you raped her." I turn back to look at him. "I don't think that's something just made up, why would she lie about that?"

"Probably the same fucking reason you think I did it!" I spat out. I shrug. "Or, I don't know, to make me into the bad guy or to make my life more into a nightmare than she already has." I say harshly.

"Evan, it's okay-"

I look at mum again. "It's not fucking okay!" I shout. "I'm being accused of something I didn't do!"

"We just want the truth."

I actually laugh. It's like they weren't listening to anything I was saying. "I didn't fucking do this! Are you kidding me?" It's silent again. I look at each of them, but no one says anything. "I'm your son!" I say. "You're supposed to believe me, be on my side, but instead you chose hers. You know how that makes me feel? It hurts! I was raped and you guys don't believe me."

"Boys aren't raped, Evan."

I look at dad. My eyes widen and my heart drops as it shatters. I look at mum, then at Kate, neither of them wanting to look at me. I scoff lightly and I look away, my eyes not looking at anything in particular and I say, "Well, this one was." My voice is low and cold. I turn and rush to the stairs and I go up and into my room. I slam the door. And I sit down heavily on my bed. I'm tired. I'm just so fucking tired...

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