9 - Led On

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I walk down the hall to the vending machine and stop in front of it. I scan what it has to offer before I make my decision and I put my money in. "Shouldn't you be in class, Mr. Lennon?" I hear coach ask as he walks past.

"Bathroom." I say.

"This doesn't look like the bathroom." He stops behind me and I grin. "Keeping those grades up, I hope."

"Yes, sir."

"Good." I step out of his way and turn toward him. "How's your friend doing?" He asks.

I assume he's talking about Barrett because everyone knows about what happened during the summer, so I say, "Barrett? He's fine."

He nods then after a moment, looks at me. "The incident with Ben." I nod. "Don't let it happen again. You have a scholarship and a very bright future. I'm not going to let you just throw those opportunities away."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now, get to class."

I turn and start walking back to class when I notice Zamora walking down the hall. I take this opportunity to talk to her. "Hey, Zamora!" I call out as I catch up to her. She turns. "Hey."

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

I start walking with her down the hall, seeing as we were both going the same way. "I wanted to talk to you about us."

She smiles. "Okay."

I inhale deeply. "I don't think I like you like that." I say.


"It's nothing to do with you." I say. "I just.. don't.." I sigh and turn toward her because we had stopped at my class. "I'm sorry if I led you on, it was never my intention. I truly thought I liked you. But lately, I've.. been thinking of someone else."


"No. Definitely not."

"..Barrett?" I gulp hard and look away from her. "It's okay, Evan. I understand." I look at her. She's smiling but her eyes tell me she isn't okay. "Thank you for being honest with me." She says.

I nod. "You're welcome."

"So, friends then?"

"Definitely." She smiles. "See you later." She nods. I rub her arm in an attempt to comfort her before I walk back into my class. I honestly couldn't feel more of a dick than I do right now, but I had to do that. I didn't want to lead her on any longer, even if it wasn't intentional.

I walk into the house and walk to the stairs but stop and look back when I hear the front door open and close. I see Kate, so I turn completely. "Hey. Did you talk to Ben?" I ask.

She huffs and looks at me. "Yeah." She says, but I just stare at the cut across her cheek. "He didn't take it well." She adds.

"What happened?" I ask as I walk over to her and she looks away.

"I broke it off with him and he got angry and backhanded me and his ring cut my face."

"I'm going to murder him." I say and I walk past her.

"For fucks sake, Evan. Drop it." I turn toward her.

"Drop it? Look at what he did to you!" I yell.

"I'm fine."

I huff out a laugh of exasperation. "Fine?"

"Yes. Fine. Ben and I are over now, so it doesn't really matter anymore."

"It matters to me." She looks at me. "He hurt you and that is not okay."

She smiles and walks over to me and punches my arm. "You're an idiot. It's just a cut, it'll heal. I'm fine, Evan." I huff as I stare at her. "Honestly."

I nod. "Alright." She smiles. "God. You're lucky I'm easily compliant."

She laughs. "Shut up." She says. "I'm gonna get some coursework done." I nod. She walks past me to the upstairs. I sigh and plop down on the couch. I take my phone out after a few minutes of just sitting there and I text Bella.

You okay? 4:59pm.

I just wanted to make sure she was okay because I know she's back home, where her dad will be for a couple more days. It takes a few minutes before she responds.

Not really. They've been arguing since I've been home. 5:03pm.

You can come over if you like. It's just Kate and I right now. 5:03pm.

Thanks. I'll be over in a few. 5:05pm.

I put my phone away and lean my head back to rest on the back of the couch. I stare at the ceiling as I think back to my conversation with Zamora this afternoon. I decide to text her too.

You doing okay? 5:09pm.

She doesn't respond. I want to assume she's just busy but I think I know better than that. I hear a knock on the door. I stand and answer it. I smile softly at Bella, but she doesn't smile back and just hugs me. I hug back. "Can I stay here tonight?" She asks, her voice sounded defeated, like she was trying not to cry.

I nod. "Of course." I say.

That night, I'm laying on the floor with a duvet and pillow. I gave the bed to Bella, so she could get a proper sleep. I stare at my phone screen, at the text I sent to Zamora earlier, which she left on read. I want to say something else to her but I can't think of anything. I glance at the time. 3:45am. I huff silently and place my phone down beside me and I lay on my side.

The next morning, I wake up to Bella nuzzled into my chest and my arms wrapped around her shoulders. I sit up, running a hand through my hair because it's in my face and she seems to wake up. "You know I gave you the bed for a reason, right?" I joke.

She smiles softly up at me and says, "I couldn't sleep."

I stare at her for a moment before I nod and glance over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It's earlier than I usually wake up. I look back at her. "Are you hungry?" I ask. She smiles and nods. "Come on then. I'm sure my mum's making something." I stand and lend my hand out to her. She takes it and I lead her downstairs. "Morning, mum." I say when I see my mum in the kitchen.

"Someone's up early." She looks back at me then at Bella. "Oh, Bella, you stayed over last night?"

"Yeah, I hope that's okay."

"Of course, darling. Will you be joining us for breakfast?"


Mum turns back toward the stove. "Evan, I'm sure you're being safe?"

I cringe and say, "God, mum." Bella laughs. "We're not-" Mum looks back at me with a smug look. "She just slept over." I say. "Nothing happened."

"Uh huh. Set the table, will you? Please." I turn and glare at Bella as she stares at me with a big grin.

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