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Bold Text = German


Here we are.


It felt amazing to finally be back in Germany.

For at least ten or so years, I had been living in the states at my aunt and uncles while my dad bettered himself back home.

My father always had medical issues.

He was prone to heart attacks and disease, so he needed treatment before he could take care of himself and I again.

Now that I'm nineteen years old, and he is well enough to be on his own, I decided to move back to my home town to live with him until I am able to support myself.


"Y/n," My dad called from the door, "come inside before you melt!"

It was summer. And in Hamburg, the winters were blistering and the summers were searing.


The house looked exactly as it had when I had left.

To be fair, dad never had time for redecorating while in the hospital.

"So, how does it feel to finally be back home?" He says.

"Absolutely amazing! It was horrible in Texas. Plus, I really did miss you, and home."

"That's great to hear, sweetheart. Now go up to your room and get some rest," He ushered me up the stairs. "you should need it after that long plane ride."

"Okay, okay. Goodnight dad, love you."


My room looked the same as it had eleven years ago.

Posters of my favorite childhood shows, torn magazine pictures, and photos of my late mother cluttered the bright pink walls.

The bed was far too small for my now nineteen year old body, but it would have to do.

I crawled under the covers, my feet dangling off the bed, and drifted to sleep.

I was home.


a/n : sorry if this is boring so far, promising the good stuff comes soon!🙏

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now