the club

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Bold Text = German
( y/f/f = your favorite flavor )


Tom and I went to get lunch with the rest of the group after the studio session.
"So what did you two love birds stay back for?" Gustav wiggled his eyebrows at Tom.

"A blowjob obviously," Tom replied sarcastically, smirking.

I choked, slapping Tom on the arm.

"No," I say. "That's not what we did at all!" My face was going red.

"I just taught her a few chords, that's all." He said, acknowledging my clear embarrassment.

The table was quiet for a moment, all of their eyes on Tom and I.

"Finish your food," I said shooing them with my hand.


"Oh, that was so good." Lena hummed, patting her full stomach as we walked down the parking lot to our cars.

Behind me, someone poked my back.

"You wanna leave," Tom whispered. "I'll take you somewhere?"

At his words, I smiled; nodding my head.

"Okay," He took my hand in his, slowly inching us away from the others.

"We'll see you guys later tonight!" He called back at them.


"What's later tonight?" I asked.

"I forgot to tell you? We're going clubbing tonight. It was Bill's idea."

I climbed into the front seat of his car, that familiar scent of cigarettes still in the air.

"So,"I say. "Where to this time?"

"Ice cream?" He suggested.

I smiled shaking my head 'yes' like a little girl.

He mouthed the word 'Okay' with a smile, and began to drive.

Tom grabbed my hand again, rubbing his thumb on my knuckle.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers and laughed.
I never wanted to let go.

"What is it?" He said.

"Nothing," I say trying to shake off my smile.

"Tell me." He whined.

I only shook my head at him, letting his curiosity roam wild at the possibilities of what I could've said.

He shook his head, kissing my hand, and continued to drive.
"I'll be right back," he said when we arrived. "What flavor?"

"Surprise me."

He squeezed my hand before letting it go and heading inside the shop.

He's perfect, I thought.

I wondered how such a perfect boy like him could have such a bad title on his name. He didn't seem like the infamous 'player' or 'heartbreaker' the media had labeled him as.

Tom was sweet. And kind. And those names didn't seem fit him at all. It almost made me sad to think about.

"Y/n," Tom said rubbing my arm, bringing me back to life.
"You okay?"

"Yeah, just zoned out...What did you get!" I asked.

"I remembered you had said you liked y/f/f, so I got it."

"Aw, you remembered," I smile, my heart fluttering.
"Thank you, Tommy."

"What's with that nickname, huh?" He said.

I shrugged, "You should feel flattered, it's a cute nickname."

"Oh, yeah?" He leaned over the seat slightly, attacking me gently with a kiss and grinning.

"Okay, let's go before you get all worked up," I say pushing him away from me.


*Time Skip*

Tom had brought me home to get a change of clothes before the club.

I was wearing a ribbed tube top, and a denim skirt; paired with chunky heels. It was a good outfit for the club, I felt great.

Walking back out to Tom, he wolf whistled, leaning back on his car.

"Y/n," he sang. "Give me a little spin."

I smiled at him, turning around like he had asked.

"You look beautiful," he said, pulling me closer to him by my hips.

He planted a kiss on my forehead before opening my car door for me.

"Are you going like that?" I asked him.

"What?" He said, looking down at his much too large shirt and pants. "You don't like it?"

"It's a little...plain and large, you don't think?"

He shrugged. "Well, I can wear anything. I look beautiful anyway."

I rolled my eyes at him. "So cocky."


When we got to the club, it was absolutely packed.
I was thankful that I had someone there with me to help maneuver through the crowd, but it was still a challenge.

"Can you find the group? I'm gonna get us drinks." Tom shouted over the music.

"Yeah!" I replied, walking my way around everyone to find our friends.

It took a bit, but I was able to find Ivy and Gustav.

Ivy's eyes beamed when she saw me.
"Y/n! You're here, finally!" She shrieked while running at me for a hug.

"Ivy, hi! Hi, Gustav!" I said.

"Where's Tom?" Gustav said.

I look behind me toward the rest of the club.

"Um, he's—actually, I'm not sure."

Where'd he go?

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