a new friend

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Bold Text = German


I woke up that afternoon in pain.

I guess sleeping in a bed ten times smaller than you can do things to your back.


When I went downstairs to grab breakfast, I found a woman and a girl around my age sitting in the living room.

"Ah, there she is!" My dad says as I walk into the room.

"Y/n, this is my work colleague Johanna, and her daughter, Lena."

"Hello," I smile, extending my hand out for them both to shake.

"Y/n, dear, how about you take Lena up to your room. Get to know each other?" He suggests.

"Yeah, sure. Follow me."
"Don't mind the little girl things, I just got back home after living at my aunts." I say, quite embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay. So, what things are you into now?" She asks.

I thought real hard, "I guess I really like photography and art like that?" I shrug.

"Kinda boring, Y/n." She laughs.

"So what kind of things are you into then?" I ask, smiling awkwardly.

"I really enjoy music and shopping, I suppose."

And I'm boring.

"I've been really into this band, Tokio Hotel," she starts. "They're actually from here, super popular too."

"Hm, never heard of them. Maybe I should check them out."

"Duh!" She exclaimed. "That actually reminds me...I know this could sound strange—considering we just met—but I happen to have an extra ticket for their concert tomorrow night, and I was wondering if maybe you would wanna come with my friend and I?"

I make a funny face at her, I barely know this girl. But honestly, who would I be to turn down a free concert.

"I know it's super sudden! But it'd be a great opportunity for you to meet new people in the area..?" Lena adds.

"Okay," it didn't take me long to think about at all. "Sure! I guess I should listen to some of their songs then, huh."

"Great! And yes, most definitely." We smile together.

"By the way, there's an after party, so, dress good." Lena reached into her bag, pulling out a red and black shirt.

"Here's a shirt you can borrow." She says getting up from my bed. "We'll be here to pick you up around five-ish, don't be late!"

She walks out the door.

I pull out my computer and did all the research I would need for this concert tomorrow.

Their music was actually great. It really reminded of something I'd heard before when I was younger.

They were definitely cute too. I guess I could see why Lena likes the band.


a/n : so sorry that this chapter in mostly dialogue 😓
i hate build up chapters

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