seeing you again

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Bolded Text = German


I jolted awake as the sound of pounding on the door echoed through the entire house.

The noise was making my head ache, not exactly helping the raging hangover I was trying to fight.

Groggily, I get up. The bright sun shining in my eyes as I opened the door.

I put a hand on my forehead to shade my eyes, "Who is it-"
I was cut off by Lena, shoving me aside and letting herself in.

"Finally, Y/n! There is so much I need to tell you!" She screamed at an obnoxiously loud volume. "Why are you still sleeping, it's 3:00 pm!"

"Jesus, Lena." I groaned. "Not so loud, not everyone takes alcohol as well as you do."

She shut the door for me and lead me back to the couch. "Okay, Mrs. Grumpy," she started. "Guess who got a date with the Georg Listing!" She pointed at herself with her thumbs, signaling that it was her.

"Hm, I would've figured that you guys would be going on one soon. You guys were practically eating each other." I laughed.

"Oh, please!" She smacked me. "But did he look like he was enjoying himself though..?" Lena smiled.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm kidding! Now.. about your night." She smirked, nudging me.

I smiled. "Oh my gosh, Lena. It was amazing."

I fell back onto the couch as Lena leaned in, curious of the details.

"So.. tell me!"

"We talked all night, just getting to know each other. And then we danced together, and he was just... I can't even explain it!" Lena nodded at each word I spoke.

"It's like, he made me feel safe, you know? I knew him for two and a half hours and I knew I could tell him anything and he would keep it a secret."

"Wow... maybe Ivy was right! We found your summer fling, Y/n!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, no, no. He didn't ask me on a date after that, I'm not sure how I'd even see him again."

She looked down with a puzzled face, I could tell she was thinking hard.

Suddenly she whipped her head up with a gasp, "Georg!"

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Georg! Georg and I have a date! It can be doubles! You and Tom, and Georg and I!"

That's actually a good idea.

"Okay, so when's this 'double date?"

"Tomorrow night. And we're going somewhere expensive, so dress kinda fancy."


"Well, see you later 'Mrs. Kaulitz." Lena winked at me as she got up to leave.

"We aren't a thing-" I was cut off with Lena slamming the door.

My sigh of exasperation quickly turned into squeals of excitement.

I was going on a date with Tom Kaulitz!
That's if he even agrees to it; who knows if he even likes me romantically like that.

It didn't matter. All I knew was that if he said yes, I was officially one of the luckiest girls in the world!

Moments later I was broken out of my daze by a text from Lena, "He said he would love to!!!!!!" it read.


*Time Skip - The Next Afternoon*

It was the next day, just an hour before our double date.

I got ready quicker this time, I had a perfect vision as to what I was going to wear.

Your outfit -

( a/n : It's not that cute, ik, js imagine smth else if you want🤓)

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( a/n : It's not that cute, ik, js imagine smth else if you want🤓)

I applied the finishing touches on my makeup, and walked downstairs.

"Look who's all glammed up." My dad said from the living room. "Where are you going all dressed up?"

"I know you said no boys at the party, but I have a date tonight." I explained.

"Ah, my little girl is all grown up." He smiled proudly at me. "Just have a good time, okay? If he gives you any trouble, call me and I'll be there."

"You don't need to worry, I'm going with Lena so it will be fine."

Outside the loud noise of a car horn blared.

"Speak of the devil, I'll see you tonight, love you Dad." I said, planting a small peck on his cheek.

"Love you too Y/n/n, be safe."
"Dang, Y/n!" Lena grinned, "You look spicy."

"You don't Look too bad yourself." I smiled.

"Tom's gonna love it." She said.

"Well, let's go so they can see how good we look!"
We arrived at the address Georg had sent Lena, the boys both leaning on Toms car.

I smiled at him, making eye contact.
Though I found his eyes wandering everywhere else but my eyes.

"Y/n.." He said with a smirk, "you look gorgeous."

I was thankful for the darkness in the moment because I knew my face was red.

"I'm glad you think so."

He walked up to me and slid his arm around my waist.


"Let's go then."

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now