double date

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Bold Text = German

We followed Georg maybe half a block to a very fancy looking restaurant.

Rich guys, huh.

"Wow.." I gasped. "This is.. expensive looking."

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart." Georg winked, "I got it."

Toms grip tightened around my waist, his jaw clenching slightly at his words.

Walking into the restaurant, all eyes were on us.

The waiter came to us, bringing us all to our table.

"Can I get you guys anything to start with?" The waiter said, "Drinks? Appetizers?"

"Just a cola to start," Tom said.

"Same here." Georg added.

"Alright, and you beautiful ladies?" The waiter asked.

In that moment, Tom gripped his hand onto my thigh; running his thumb back and forth.

"Oh, uh, the same for me too." I said, surprised at Toms sudden, possessive touch.

"Well," Lena laughed. "I'm getting some champagne!"

The waiter nodded, writing down our orders. "I'll get that for you while you guys look through the menus."


An hour or so into the date, Georg and Lena decided to head out together.

"Goodnight, you two be safe." I told Lena, hugging her goodbye.

"Use protection." Tom said, winking at Georg.

When they were gone, Tom slid out of the booth.

"Let's go, I wanna take you somewhere." He said

"Okay." I smiled.


Walking to his car, Tom held my hand in his.

"So, Mr. Flirt.." I said, looking at our intertwined hands. "Tell me, we're you always this much of a ladies man?"

He smiled, "I guess you could say so."
"This one time, when I was six, my girlfriend had a Britney Spears poster in her room, right?"

I nodded.

"So I told her to dress like a school girl and I fing-"

"Okay!" I cut him off, laughing awkwardly. "I didn't need that many details."

"How about you? We're you always such a man magnet?"

I flashed him a smile, "No, I've never really even had a real boyfriend." I said.

"Really?" Tom said. "I find that hard to believe."

"I mean, I've had many talking stages but never one that lasted."

He frowned.

"I could've had one, I guess, but I was probably too young for a boyfriend." I said.

"How old were you?"

"Eight." I said. "I really liked him too, but I had to move to the states with my aunt before I could confess anything."

"Really, tell me more about this mystery boy." He air quoted.

"He was my best friend, him and his brother. I remember they would play me music and he would strum on this little red guitar all the time; he was good."

Toms eyebrows furrowed just a bit; he paused before speaking, "Not better than me, I hope."

"No, but he was good." I laughed.

"He was funny too, and a ladies man just like you are."

He let out a small laugh and opened my car door for me.

"Thank you," I said, getting into the car.

Tom got in and started up the car, reaching to put his hand back on my leg.

He looked at me, flashing me a wide grin, and began to drive.
The drive was quick and relatively quiet.

"Okay, close your eyes." He told me when we arrived.

He got out of the car, opening my door for me.

"Keep them closed."

He wrapped his hands around my hips, steadying my balance.

He walked me up some steps before he told me to open my eyes again.

Before me stood a beautiful view.
We were on a hill, overlooking the entire city of Hamburg.

I could see nearly every building, every structure, every light; each illuminating the city a pale orange color.
It was extraordinary .

"Wow," I swallowed, struggling to find the right words to describe the scene in-front of me. "Tom, this is.. just wow."

He smiled, looking at me.

"Y/n." He mumbled, a ragged breath escaping his lips.

"Hm?" I said, turning toward him.

His face just inches away from mine, I could almost count the millimeters between our lips.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly, threading his hand in my hair.

My eyes widened, trying to fight the heated blush that was rising onto my face. I nodded.

In a flash, his lips were on mine.

I had an out of body moment; like I couldn't believe this was true. Tom Kaulitz, kissing me. It just didn't seem like real life.

When I let the shock of the moment suppress, I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed him, really kissed him.
His kiss was was soft, his hand still tangled in my hair.

We broke apart, my eyes still closed.

I opened my eyes, looking up at him, staring at him like an idiot. There was that signature smug look plastered on his face.

I smiled, looking down at my shoes.

"You're a good kisser for someone who's never had a boyfriend." He said.

I was certain that I was red.

Tom put his arm over my shoulders, rubbing my arm. "Let's go." He smiled.

I knew then, I was in love with Tom.

a/n: sorry if that kiss made any of you uncomfortable, but it had to happen💀

btw i think it's really funny the fact that the britney spears thing is true; and he was SIX. like that's just crazy

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now