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Bold Text = German


"So, you just gonna stand there?" Tom smirked, "Or are you gonna sit your pretty self down."

Good lord.

"Jesus," I mumbled under my breath.

I sat down across from him, looking at the floor.

"So does that beautiful face have a name to it?" He asked me.

"Y/n L/n." I grumbled.

His eyes widened just a bit, his mouth gaped.

"I like that name, it's hot." He grinned.

Oh, please.

We sat in a moment of awkward silence before he spoke again, "So, where does a cute girl like you come from, eh?"

"I grew up here actually, but when I was eight or nine I moved to the states to live with my aunt."

Tom smiled, "You seem interesting."

I paused, getting up from my seat. "I'm gonna go find Lena..."

Behind me, Tom grabbed my hand.

"Wait," he said, "don't go just yet."

I was hesitant of sitting back down again.

"I wanna know more about you." He pleaded.

I sighed, and sat down. "Okay, fine."


As we talked, I felt myself slightly loosening up around him.

Maybe he wasn't as rude as he came off to me.

"Do you wanna go out there? Grab a drink, maybe dance a little..?" He asked me.

"Sure," I sighed, "why not."

Tom grinned, taking my hand and leading us out of the curtained room.

As we stepped out, we got a couple of weird stares our way. Tom didn't seem bothered, so I payed no attention to it.

"Y/n!" Lena blubbered. "Oh, and Tom! Hi, Tom..." She smiled

"Hey, how many drinks have you had?" I giggled.

"About six or seven," Bill chimed in.

"Ah, well, we just came for drinks." Said Tom.

He grabbed drinks for both of us, and found us a spot on the dance floor.

He put his free hand on my waist, inching me closer.

"What else are you into?" He spoke loudly over the music.

"I've been really into photography recently, I guess."

"Hm, maybe you can take my picture. I'm pretty photogenic you know." He winked.

"You're so cocky." I scoffed.

"What can I say, girls love it."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure."


Tom and I danced with each other the rest of the night.
He was an okay guy, but I knew he was no keeper.

He was known infamously as a player. I saw in an magazine that by the age of sixteen, he had already slept with twenty-six or more girls.

But still, I became another one of the millions in the world to effortlessly become attracted to him. He was confident and cocky, but he was also nice when he bothered to show it. It started to grow on me.

"So, where you going after the party?" Tom asked, taking my hands in his.


"Ah, well," he paused. "Can I take you?"

I nodded, smiling like a fool. He wasn't doing anything special at all, but he was driving me nuts.

"Perfect." He said. "Let me get my keys."

While he went for his keys, I went to tell Lena I was leaving.

Only, I didn't exactly get to tell her because her and Georg were swallowing each others faces.
I figured she was in good hands, so I left.

"Let's go, beautiful," Tom came up behind me, jangling his keys in his hand.
Toms car was nice, though it had a faint smell of cigarettes to it.

"Put your seatbelt on, I wouldn't want you hurting that pretty little face of yours." He said.


"You are just so flirty, aren't you?" I laughed.

He didn't say anything. Just looked me, grinned, and began to drive.
"This is my street right here," I said. "Park down the road."

"How come?" He questioned.

"My dad told me not to get caught up with any boys tonight."

"I see. So, I guess either I got lucky, or I'm just that irresistible."

"Sure," I snickered, stepping out of the car.. "I had a good time tonight, goodnight Tom."

He waited until I was fully inside to drive away, giving me a small wave as he left.

With my back up against the door, I squealed.

What a night.

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now