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I pondered over Toms jealousy the rest of the night.
It was hard to get him out of my head when he was acting like that.

I just couldn't understand what he had to be jealous about. If anything I should be the jealous one.

After the party, Carlos took me home.

"Thank for you for the night," he said.

I thanked him, and wobbled inside. I was hammered. Drinking everything I could to get Tom out of my head.

I fumbled with my keys before opening the door.
Walking in, I was faced with the image of my dad on the floor.

Crippled and misshapen with a hand on his heart.

"Dad," I screamed, rummaging through my bag for my phone.

I dialed 911 as I sobbed on the floor.

"Hello?" I yelled into the phone, spewing all the details about my situation to the operator.

"Slow down, ma'am," they said. "We'll have someone coming right away, just stay on the line with me."

I shook my dad slightly, trying anything and everything to get him conscious.

And when nothing worked, I weeped silently; blaming myself for not being there when he needed me, and waited.

I felt like I was five years old again, crying over his unconscious body with my mom at my side dialing 911.

I should've been used to these spasms by now. But no matter how hard I tried to get used to them, nothing could ever prepare me for when they would happen.


The ambulance arrived, rushing my dad out to the truck in a flash.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I spewed out with a million other questions.

Nobody responded, just ushered me into the back of the truck with my father.

I sat there, holding his cold hand and hoping over and over that he'd be okay.


He was rushed inside the emergency room immediately.

Nurses and doctors surrounding every inch of the stretcher.

"How is he now? Will he be okay? Can I see him," I panicked.

I tried to push through the staff to see my dad, but was pulled back by a nurse. "Stay back," they said. "You need to calm down."

I convulsed onto the floor, uncontrollably crying.
I was making a scene, a fool of myself, but I didn't care. I just wanted to see my father.

The nurse brought me to the waiting room to rest. "You need to relax. I can assure you that he's in good hands."

I ignored them. Tuning out all my surroundings as they walked away.

I found myself dozing off after my crying fit.

I had woken up to someone lightly poking my shoulder.
A nurse.

I sat right up in my chair. "Oh god, is he okay? Please tell me he's alright..."

The nurse gave a reliving smile. "He is just fine. Unfortunately, we do need to keep him over night for some tests. Are you able to have someone come and take you home?"

I nodded. "Yes..."

"Alright then," they said. "We'll give you the phone call soon as to when we're able to release your father."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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