after party

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Bold Text= German


After what felt like an eternity of waiting in line, we were finally inside the stadium.

It was huge. I'm guessing there was enough room to seat at least two hundred thousand people.

The tickets Lena had bought were floor tickets.
Significantly close to the stage.

I looked around me like a wandering child, "This is amazing."

There were thousands gathering into the stadium. Many surrounding us. It felt a little cramped, but I wasn't all that bothered.

"Isn't it?" Ivy said. "Is this your first concert, Y/n?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. First real party too, I guess."

"Damn! Nineteen and you've never been to a party? You need to live a little." She laughed.

I gave her a weak smile. "It's not that I didn't want to, I just wasn't allowed. My aunts kind of strict, y'know."

"Well, as long as you're living around here, Lena and I are happy to show you how to live the teenage dream."

"Shut up, shut up!" Lena squealed with the hundreds surrounding us. The lights had dimmed, and the screeching of a distant microphone could be heard.

The banging sounds of drums and guitar echoed over the many screaming girls around me.

"I've got other plans today, don't need permission anyway.
Here I'm standing after all. With my back against the wall."

The familiar lyrics of 'Break Away' we're sung. 
I was shouting the lyrics along with their lead singer, Bill.

He had a good look to him, very unique. His hair was puffed out wide like a lions mane and he had black eyeshadow on.

His voice was great, even better live.
It sounded so familiar to me, just like it had before. I just couldn't grasp what was homey about it.


The concert was over.
And even though my voice was hoarse from screaming, my feet were killing me, my head hurt, and I'm pretty sure some girl scratched me.. it was amazing.

"That. Was so much fun." Lena winced.

"Right. But we still have to do the after party, and Im exhausted." I cried.

"Don't be a buzzkill, Y/n!" Ivy patted my back, "It'll be so fun, promise."

Uh huh, we'll see.


Outside the venue there was a rather large club the band had rented out for the night.

"Is this where the fan party is?" I asked looking to Lena and Ivy.

"Yup, let's head in!" They squealed. "This is gonna be so much fun!"

For the show only ending an hour before this, everything was very well set up.

There were streamers, flashing lights, drinks, food, and very loud music.

"This is awesome!" I laughed.

Lena took our hands and dragged us to the floor.
We danced along to the music with the others around us.

"Isn't this so much fun, Y/n!" Said Lena. "It's awesome in here!"

Though my head was pounding and my feet ached, it was actually really cool.

We danced, drank, and ate for what felt like an hour before a big guy in a leather jacket requested Ivy to follow him. 

"Eh, no," she objected. "Not without my friends. C'mon."

The man just nodded and signaled us to follow him.

He led us to a smaller area that was blocked off from the rest of the party.

"In there, behind that curtain," he said.

We looked at each-other and shrugged. It was a celebrities party, they wouldn't let weirdos in.

Ivy pulled back the curtain, revealing the very familiar faces of the Tokio Hotel.

"Oh my god.." Lena gasped. She leaned into me a bit.

"Holy shit."

The four boys stared and laughed at our reactions.

"You, uh, you guys called us here..?" Ivy stammered.

"Maybe this isn't a good pick, much too nervous!" Laughed a boy with braids, Tom Kaulitz.

"No, no! We're..we're good just wondering why that man brought us back here..?" I testified.

"Gustav wants to sleep with that, eh, dark haired one." He said signaling to Ivy.

His brother, Bill Kaulitz, gave him a slap on the arm.
"Oh, Tom! Don't be so vulgar! We only just met them."

"He.." Ivy pointed to Gustav, "wants to sleep.. with me?"

Tom laughed, "She doesn't want to because I'm here."

This kid is so full of himself.

"I never even said I wanted to sleep with her, you stupid fucking cow. I said she was beautiful is all." Gustav finally chimed in.

"I mean I'm happy to just talk with you.." Ivy mumbled. "Did you wanna get drinks?"

Gustav smiled and nodded, getting up from his seat.

He put his arm around her and they walked out, leaving the five of us alone.

"Im getting drinks too," said Bill. "Tom, want anything?"

Tom didn't say anything, just stared at Lena and I and shook his head.

"I'll come," Georg said, leaving his chair.

He paused for a moment, looking at Lena.

"Did you..wanna come with us..?" He asked.

"Me?" She pointed to herself. "Yeah, I'll go!"

Just leave me alone with this douchebag I guess.

"Good luck, Y/n." She winked as she left.

Good luck with what?

"So, you just gonna stand there?" Tom smirked, "Or are you gonna sit your pretty self down."

Good lord.

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