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Bold Text = German


After Tom kissed me, the rest of the night was a daze.

He had walked me around town, showing me all his favorite places.

Unfortunately, every night had to come to an end, and he took me home.

"Want me to park down the road again?" He asked pulling up to my street.

"No," I said. "I already told my dad about our date."

"I'm already of topic amongst parents?" Tom laughed. "Wow."

"Don't be so full of yourself, Tom." I said, leaving the car.
"Thank you for tonight, it was great."

He beamed a smile, a began to drive away.

He didn't even have to try to make me feel flustered; he just...had to be him.


The next morning rolled around.
Lena waking me up once again; this time with a call.

Finally, Y/n! Georg and the boys invited Ivy, you, and I to the studio! Get up and ready before I walk over and drag you out of bed myself!

Right now? Okay, I'll be out in ten, hold on.

Okay, we'll be waiting!

I hung up the phone and began to get ready.
My outfit was nothing to exciting, but there was some effort shown just to not look a slouch.

Outside, Ivy and Lena were waiting for me in Lena's car.

"Hey, cutie," Ivy hollered. "How have you been?"

"I've been great, actually." I smiled, a quick thought a Tom flashing through my head.

As if Lena had read my mind, she blurted out the details about Tom and I's relationship.

"She hit it off with Tom at the fan party." She smirked.

"That's not important right now! Ivy, tells us about you and Gustav." I sang, cutting Lena off.

Ivy told us all about her relationship with the drummer as Lena began to drive to their studio.
Arriving at the place, the four boys were outside to greet us.

"Hi, guys!" Bill waved at us excitingly; the others giving us small nods and smiles.

"I'm so excited to hear you all play," Ivy squealed. "You sounded amazing in concert."

I walked over to Tom, giving him a slight smile.

"Hey, pretty lady." He whispered.

He draped his arm over my shoulders, and we started to walk inside.
The studio was smaller than I would've anticipated.

It was filled with a bunch of different control panels that made it feel crowded.
But we made do.

"What song do you guys wanna hear?" Bill asked.

"How about Monsoon?" I suggested. "Always a favorite."

They nodded, shifting and tuning to get ready to play.

Bill gave a quick thumbs up before singing,

I'm staring at a broken door, there's nothing left here anymore. My room is cold, it's makin' me insane.

The three of us nodded our heads to the tune. Mouthing the lyrics with Bill as he continued to sing.

"This feels unreal," I said. "I can't believe we're here right now."

They agreed with me, still singing.

I looked back to the boys, one of them catching my eye.

Tom was looking down, focused on his strumming.

I studied him, his every move. My eyes wide; staring at him absent-minded.

The moment seemed so...familiar. Like I had been here in almost the same exact place before; deja vu.

Lena nudged me, snapping me out of my daze.
The song was over.

I focused again. Tom was sitting there looking at me; a proud smile on his face. 


"I don't know about you guys," Georg started. "But I'm just about ready for lunch."

Many different variations of 'yes' came from everyone, and they all walked out the door.

All except one.

Tom grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the rest of the group.

"Hold on," he said. "I wanna teach you."

I grumbled. "Tom-"

"I promise I'll take you somewhere after, just you and me." He compromised. And I agreed.

I walked over to the couch where he went, sitting beside him.

"Here," he handed me his guitar. "Ready?"

I smiled, nodding my head.

He arranged my fingers for me to form the note 'G'.

"Now strum, like this." He demonstrated on different guitar, a perfect G. "You try"

I tried. An ugly sounding note was the result.

"No," Tom laughed. "Come here."

He reached around me, pulling me to his lap.

"Tom," I blurt, heat rising to my face. "I was close enough!"

I feel his head shake, "No."

With the guitar back in my lap, he rearranged my hands again. Brushing my fingers purposefully to caress them.

He's so damn flirty.

"Okay," he smiled against my ear. "now try."

I strummed again, playing an almost perfect note.

I looked back at him, a proud grin on my face.

He smiles with me, tilting his head, then plants a kiss on my lips.

It was barely anything but my heart was racing.

"Alright," he lifted me off his lap. "I'm hungry!"

I snickered, "Okay, Tommy."

At this, he smiled.

"Tommy?" He whined.

"Tommy." I say.

"I don't know if I like that." He laughed as we left the studio, arm in arm.

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now