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Bold Text = German


The sun shone brightly through my window; waking me up.

It was around two in the afternoon, and I was laying on my hard wood floor.

I suppose I had fallen asleep there listening to that music. I think I'm all caught up on their songs for the concert by now. 

The smell of eggs and toast filled the house. Dad was cooking.

"Morning, dad!" I call from my door, walking down the stairs.

"Well, who's finally up," He chuckled. "Made you some breakfast."

"Thanks," I said; taking the plate he handed to me.

"Did Lena tell you about the concert I'm heading to tonight?"

He nodded very slowly, glaring at me with a hard stare.

"Yes, and I don't need you getting involved with any boys now, okay?"

I roll my eyes. Like that would ever happen.

"Mhm, when have you ever known me to get with a boy so quickly?" I smile. "I'm not that easy."

"I'm sure you're not, I know you're a handful."

Yeah, okay.

Finishing my breakfast, I head upstairs to begin getting ready. It was a big night for me, I'd never been to a concert before. Let alone a big party.


I still had about an hour and a half before Lena would get here, but getting ready has never been an easy task for me.

I decide on a pair of flared jeans, the Tokio Hotel shirt Lena had borrowed me, and some chunky heels. I chose a small leather purse and black jewelry to tie it all together.

( Your Outfit )

The time was 4:26

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The time was 4:26.

And with thirty minutes left, I did my makeup and hair.

Then the door bell rang, "I'll get it! I think it's Lena!" I yelled.

I rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping over myself.

Opening the door, Lena greeted my with a smile.

"Y/n! You look great!" she smirks. "I see you're wearing my shirt."

"I am, fits great." We stood there smiling awkwardly at each before she spoke:

"Well? What are we waiting for, let's go!"


In car was another friend of Lena's: Ivy.

They were both screaming Tokio Hotel's song 'Schrei' at the top of their lungs. I had listened to that song a million times that night, it easily became one of my favorites.

"Are you excited Y/n?" Ivy turned to me, a wide grin on her face.

"Yeah, totally!" I shouted over the much too loud music.

"Good!" she smirked. "Maybe we can find you a fresh summer fling at the after party, eh?"


"Maybe," I fake.


Arriving at the concert was nerve wrecking.

The line to the door was miles long.

These boys must be more popular than I first thought.

"Well, here we are." Lena said, turning off the car.

"Shit," I said. "That's a lot of people."

Finding parking was quite difficult too, we must've parked at least four blocks away.

"Best get going if we're gonna make it there on time," said Ivy.

I agreed.

Hundreds of thousands of screaming fangirls rushed through the doors as we walked past them.

This, I knew was gonna be a long night...

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now