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Bold Text = German

It was nearly 2:00 AM when Bill drove me to his place that night. He told me that he wanted to be there with me 'just in case'.

Though he shared the house with Tom, I was grateful that he let me stay with him.

Their house was enormous. I suppose I should've guessed that considering they were international superstars, but I was still surprised.

"Follow me," Bill said, leading me up to a guest room.
"I'll grab you something to change into."

"Thank you, Bill. Really." I said, taking hold of his hand.

He smiles. Nodding his head as a 'you're welcome'.

Bill left and came back with a rather large shirt, a glass of water, and a piece of toast for me.

"Hydrate and eat the toast, please," he said. "It should make you feel better, get rid of the nasty drunk feeling."

"You're so kind, Bill."

Bill put his hand on his heart. "I know. Now get some rest, honey." He said before closing the door, leaving me alone.

I looked at the shirt lying on the bed next to me, taking it into my arms.

I knew it was Toms; I could tell. It made me a little weak in the chest to think about myself in his clothes, but I wore it regardless.

The shirt was huge; for both Tom and I, I suppose.
It dangled low to my shins like a long, flowy dress...I hated it. It reminded me of him.
After staring at myself in his shirt for some time, I decided on finally going to sleep.

The bed was soft, expensive feeling like a hotel bed.

I crawled under the covers slowly, and shut my eyes.

I just couldn't get myself to fall asleep though.
The scene of that girl on top of him—him kissing her like he would kiss me, stroking her like a lover—just replayed over and over in my head.

It was painful.

I shut my eyes tightly, shutting out everything around me, and began to silently weep.


The clock on the bedside table read 4:45 AM when I was woken up by muffled yells downstairs.

"Fucking christ, Tom." Bill angrily shouted. "There you are."

I could hear Tom stumbling in, slamming the front door behind him.

"I can't even look at you right now," Bill said. "Not after what you did to that poor girl."

"What'd I do?" Tom argued.

"Are you that dense, Tom? Abandoning Y/n, cheating on her, and leaving me to comfort her and bring her home? Real classy." He snapped, clapping along with his words.

"We weren't even dating, why is she so upset?"

"Oh my god, I have never once seen you sweet talk, and flirt, and act the way with a girl like you did with Y/n,"
Bill said.
"If I were in her place, I would've thought we had something special too. You both had something there. And you threw it all out, for what, some cheap quickie in the backroom of a club?"

Tom stayed silent for a long moment.

"You don't have anything to say for yourself?" Bill said, breaking the silence.

"I want you apologizing to that girl tomorrow," He said. "I don't care if she doesn't wanna see you, I just need an effort."

I heard Bill stomp up the stairs, swearing at Tom before closing his bedroom door.

"Shit," Tom yelled, kicking something.

Hearing his voice made me ache. He was right after all, we weren't dating. So why am I so hurt by him? Why do I still want him?


The next morning was just as worse as the night before.

My head pounded and my stomach churned angrily.
I was very, clearly hung over.

I walked to the bathroom, covering my eyes shut as I turned on the light.

My eyes were red and puffy, and my face was dry.

I groaned long and hard before turning on the sink and washing my face.

In that moment I froze, there was a knock on the door.

"Y/n," the familiar voice of Bills was outside the room. "It's me, I'm coming in."

I finished drying my face and walked out of the bathroom to see Bill sitting on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not good. At all."

He frowned. "I know you're not feeling well, so I don't mean to rush you, but I just wanna bring you home before you know who wakes up."

My stomach sunk at the mention of him, but I gave a weak smile and started to get dressed.
Bill got me home and helped me get settled again.

Everything in me still hurt. I had never had my heart broken this bad before.

"Cheer up, honey," Bill said, lifting my chin to face him. "You'll be okay, I promise. He's just a dumb boy."

I stared hard into his eyes. Trying to get him to understand that Tom wasn't just a dumb boy. I felt differently about him than I ever had anyone.

"You come to me if you need anything," He said.

Bill gave me one last squeeze before heading out the door.
I was alone again, the only company being my thoughts; which wasn't the company I needed at the moment.

I reached into my wallet, pulling out my picture of my mother for comfort.

Behind the photo, something else fell. A picture of my old friend and I in 1998.

The thought of our childhood together often made me smile as well

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The thought of our childhood together often made me smile as well. I guess that's why it was stuck behind my moms photo.

I ran my fingers over the film, studying the picture.

At the bottom, there was faded black letters that read:
'Y/n + Tom...4/25/1998'

Tom. I thought. That name making pit in my stomach.

I looked over the boy's features, finding something very familiar about him.
He looks like Bill, I thought.

No...he looks like my Tom.

My eyes widen as the realization hit me.

Tom, the same Tom who had broke me last night, was the same boy I cherished all my childhood years.

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now