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The past few weeks were restless.

I hadn't felt like going anywhere with my friends because inevitably, Tom would be there.

Lena, Bill, and Ivy dropped by every once in a while to make sure I was at least healthy.

But every time it was the same: I was tired, smelly, sad, and aching. Everything was going to complete shit.

On top of that, dad kept coming home incredibly late, more tired each night, from god knows where. He refuses to tell me.

Beyond that point, I hadn't told anyone about Tom yet. Him being my old friend and all.

It just seemed impossible to me.
The old Tom would've never pulled that bullshit on anyone, let alone me; if he even knew.

I was broken out of my trance by a knock on the door.
Pulling myself together again, I headed downstairs to answer it.

It was Lena with Georg behind her.

"Hi, babe," Lena said pulling me into a hug. "How have you been recently? You've been taking care?"

"Yeah, I've been doing better." I say. It was a lie, she probably knew it too.

Georg shuffled into the house awkwardly. "Hey, Y/n," he said.

I nodded at him. "What are you two here for?"

"Just coming to check up on you," Lena said unsurely.

I watched her fiddle with her shoes, giving her a look.
"So why are you really here?" I asked.

She inhaled before speaking,

"So there's a party Georg's friend is hosting and we really, really wanted you to come! And I know you're still grieving but we honestly think it'd be good for you to leave your house!"

I was stunned at the speed she said all of that.

"I, um, I mean sure," I say. "I'll go I guess."

Lena's eyes light up with excitement. "Great! We'll be back later!" She says, dragging Georg out the door with her.

I slumped back on the couch.
Suddenly the thought of a party right now didn't seem as exciting as I thought before.


An hour or so later, I finally found the strength to get ready for this party.

I did my makeup the same as I would usually; though it didn't hide the red puffiness on my face.

I look like a mess.

I rummaged through some clothes to find an outfit.
I didn't have the energy to wear something interesting, so I went simple.

Fit -

I looked good enough

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I looked good enough.

I walked outside, and sat on the steps until Lena and Georg came to pick me up.

I waited almost fifteen minutes for them, but they were here.

"Y/n," Lena said excitedly. "It's so good to see you out of those pajamas, finally."

I smiled. "Yeah, lets just go before you start getting on me."


The house the party was at was packed, cars lining every curb and driveway.

"Hope the word didn't get around that Tokio Hotel was comin'," Georg laughed.

I wonder if that meant Tom was here too.

At the front door was Ivy, Gustav, and Bill. All with very bright smiles on their faces when they saw me.

"Y/n, baby!" Ivy squealed and threw her arms around me.

I could tell she was already drunk; she smelled of alcohol.

"Hey," I said not so enthusiastically.

"It's so good to see you out of house, Y/n!" Bill said, pulling
Ivy off me.

"That's what everyone is saying to me," I say, a little bit embarrassed.

I get that I was sad, and maybe dirty, but I wasn't a troll locked away in a cave.

"Well," I said. "I'm here now, so let's have a good time while we can!"

They gave me supporting nods and cheers, and walked off inside with me.

Inside was even more crowded. People flooded the room from wall to wall, leaving barely any space for someone to walk.

The music was blaring so loud and the entire first floor smelt like beer.

The majority of the time, I danced around with Bill.
That was until some girl swept him away from me and started flirting with him.

So I was alone, dancing to the music with a drink in my hand.

"Hey," a voice said behind me.

I whip around, nearly sucker punching a very cute guy.
"Holy shit, you scared me." I said.

He laughs. "I'm Carlos, I was just wondering if you would wanna dance with me? I saw you all alone, and I thought you were beautiful..."

I smile at his words, vigorously nodding my head.

He pulls me close, and begins to dance with me.

In the time we danced together, I almost completely forgot about Tom.

That was until I felt a pair of eyes on me.

Across the room was Tom. Staring hard at me and Carlos.

Tom looked like he would've snapped Carlos's neck. His face so taut, tense, and angry with a clenched jaw.

He dragged a hand across his mouth before angrily storming away, leaving me in a puddle of confusion.

What did he have to be mad about? Selfish prick.

"You okay?" Carlos said. I had stopped dancing.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine." I say, taking one last glance at where Tom stood before facing him again.

What was he so mad about? He's the one that screwed everything up. He had no right to be mad.

So why was he jealous?

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now