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Bold Text = German


Tom had disappeared for almost an hour now.

I had looked nearly high and low for him, but I hadn't found him anywhere. I wouldn't think he'd bail on me and his friends like this, but I'm not sure now.

Ivy, Gustav, and I were with the rest of the group; pondering over where Tom could've been.

"He's your stupid fucking brother, Bill!" Lena swore, angrily taking sips of her drink. "Abandoning Y/n like a coward!"

Bill put his face in his hands, mumbling his words.
"I'm really sorry, Y/n," he said. "I'm not sure why he's acting like this."

"It's fine, really." I reassured him. "We've spent the last days together pretty much attached at the hip! He probably just wanted a break."

"Still shoulda told someone." Ivy grumbled.

"There's no time to be worrying about that, stopped being so bummed out! C'mon," I said, pulling them to the crowd.

"Loosen up, will you all? We're here to have fun!"

They all came with me. Moving to the music, drinks in hand.

"Isn't this funnnn?" I hummed, shimmying over on Lena.

The couples paired up together, while I danced with Bill.

"I'm still sorry that Tom isn't here." He groaned.

"Shhhh," I said. "Don't worry about it, I told you."

Bill let out a long sigh and squeezed me into a hug.

"Let's get more drinks, I need one." He said.
Back on the dance floor from the bar, I had wandered away from the group.

I was dancing with another girl before a man threw himself on me.

"What's a woman like you doing out here all alone," He said. His voice was raspy and cold. It came clear to me that he had no good intentions.

So I ignored him.

"Hey," he snarled, inching himself closer. "I asked you something."

I didn't say anything.

"Fucking bitch," he snapped, grabbing my forearm and forcing me closer to him.

"Let go!" I yelped as I tried to struggle away from him.

"Whatever. You're ugly as shit anyway." He hissed, throwing my arm down before pushing me into the room behind us.

Dickhead. What's wrong with people?

"Ouch," I moaned, rubbing the finger marks he had made with his grip.

Where is Tom, I thought.
All I wanted was him right now.

One look to my left answered my question immediately.

A girl, barely clothed, on top of Tom.
She was straddling him, caressing his face like they were some sort of couple.

"Tom?" I said in complete utter shock. "What the fuck?"

They both whipped their heads toward me.

"Tommy, who's that?" The girl looked me up and down.

Tommy. I rolled my eyes.

"This is where you've been all night? You abandoned me for hours just to hook up with some girl you found?"

"Y/n," he slurred. "Y/n...I just—I don't-"

He was stumbling over his words, trying to talk, trying to plead and give me excuses. But I'm not listening.

"I know we're not exactly dating, but really? I thought we had something." I say, my voice breaking. I started to cry.

"If you're not datin', why the fuck do you care what he does? You don't own him, bitch." The girl laughed in my face.

"Shelby, leave." Tom said, dragging his hand down his face.

"No, don't bother. I'm going home." I shoved past them, angrily wiping the tears that had flooded my eyes.

Tom called after me, but I didn't turn back.
I didn't wanna see his face right now.

I was suddenly ashamed to have been with him. Ashamed at the thought that I would've defended his name when they called him a heartbreaker. I understood why he had a bad reputation amongst girls now, he's just a cocky asshole.

Angry thoughts continued to pound in my head as I shoved Bill out of my way.

"Y/n?" He shouted after me. "Y/n!"

Outside was freezing, but it felt nice considering I was overheating of shock.

"Y/n," The voice of Bills said from behind me. "What's the matter, love?"

I paced around, trying to catch my breath.

"He- he..was-" I heaved.

Bill walked to me and put a loving hand on my back, slowly pulling me down to the floor.

"Calm down, you can tell me anything, honey."

"He's a cheater," I say. "He's a cheater and I trusted him."

He gasps a little, "Tom..?"

"I know...I know he's your brother, and I know he's a player, but I would've thought that-"

"That he would stay loyal." Bill finished my sentence for me.

"He fucks up like this all the time; wasting a perfect a girl that anyone would kill for."

"Maybe I wasn't good for him, or I didn't give him what he wanted. I mean we weren't even dating so it shouldn't hurt this much!"

"It doesn't matter, he should've stayed loyal if he was going to toy with you like that," He said.

We sat in silence for a moment, both of us pondering on what to say.

Bill broke the silence.
"I know it may not mean much, or you don't wanna hear it, but I know he liked you. He spent way more time with you than he ever has with any girls he's brought around."
He turned my face to his, wiping the tears off my cheeks for me before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Bill," I said. "Really. You're a great guy."

He smiled, "I know. Now let me drive you home."

We stood up, and walked off to his car; Bill continuing to reassure and comfort me the whole way.


a/n: i know it's probs unrealistic asf that tom would cheat on a girl, but for the sake of the story just bear w it!

My Girl - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now