Playing Business (Hidden Videos Part 7)

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You and Wally are at Julie's house playing business along with Eddie Dear. You are drawing with crayons and do whatever you can to help with President Joyful's business. Wally already finished coloring and drawing his piece of paper. However, President Joyful called for everyone for a meeting. While everyone gathered, Julie started speaking to present the presentation. Wally is sitting there quietly, while you try your best to listen to the presentation, but at the same time you can't sit still.

"...Which is why the pie-charts must be breen berry!" Julie said before turning her to Eddie, "Mr. Dear, write that down!"

"Breen berry..." Eddie said, writing it down, then turn his head to Julie, "you know, Julie-"

"Nah ah!" Julie interrupts Eddie, "President Joyful!"

"Right, right, President Joyful. I don't think breen berry's a real berry-" Eddie said, "I mean- shoot, what color even is breen?"

"That's classified, Mr. Dear!" Julie replied, "That's why they pay me the big schamzoolahs!"

"The whatlahs?" you questioned.

"The what now?" Eddie questioned, "I ain't getting paid in anything, let alone schamzo..." Eddie struggle the word that Julie made up, "schmozos.. What'd you say again, President Joyful?"

"SCHAMZOOLAS!" Julie exclaimed, "DABOLOONS! SMOLLEONS! DINNER-OS! Can't you see what this company is all about Mr. Dear?!"

Eddie turns his head to you trying to look for guidance, which you look back at him and shrugs. Since you have little to no clue what Julie is trying to convey here.

"Uh... Breen?"

"No!" Julie said dramatically, "it's about pie charts, big buildings, hot cakes, small stuffed bears, chalk and houses!"

"I see..." you said, rubbing your chin while Eddie is still lost.

I don't think any'a those things go together quite frankly," Eddie commented.

"I think what Julie is trying to say it's about big suits and big hair and big voices," you said.

"[NAME] got the right idea," Julie said, then turning her head to Eddie, "Mr. Dear, are you not confident in our business model!? You have good shoulders under your head Mr. Dear. I would hate to see you canned!"

"C-can me!?" Eddie said with a fearful tone.

"Whoa, Julie you can't fire Ed- I mean Mr. Dear," you protested.

"Why shouldn't I?" Julie asked.

"It's my first day on the job!" Eddie answered.

"Then you'd better straighten up and fly down, Mr. Dear, because the most important part about running a business is-" before Julie can finish her sentence, the telephone starts to ring. Julie answered the phone, "hello! President Joyful of everything Incorporated!" Julie's face dropped, "...what? Mr. Billnilly, no... we've...we're broke!? They've eaten all of our office supplies!? Even the staplers!? We're out of business!? NOOO!" Julie drops the phone as she wails dramatically.

"Wow... she's really into the whole business play," you commented.

"This is all I had!" Julie wails as she runs off to cause the rampage.

"Julie!" you said, leaving your spot to run after Julie.

Eddie picks up the phone while he's looking at Julie making a mess while you're trying to calm Julie down with a concerned look. Eddie returns his focus to the call, "whether letter or parcel, whether rain, snow or-" Eddie quickly realizes that he's not in his office. "Oh- I mean uh- Joyful residence, who may I ask is callin'?"

While Eddie is listening to the caller from the end, Julie slams her stuff to the ground, continuing wailing and making a scene. While you're running after her.

"Julie! Can't we just talk for a minute!?" you asked, running after her.

"Oh Barn! Good to hear from you-"

"Is that Barnaby on the phone?!" you asked. Eddie nods his head. "Tell Barnaby that I said hi!" you said and then ran after Julie while she's running in the background still making a rampage scene.

"[NAME] said hi. Yeah, we're playin' business something-or-another. Yep, I'd say we're fresh outta..." Eddie paused to himself still confused, "whatever we were supposed to be sellin'... I think this time it was breen! Oh? Yeah he's right here." Eddie turned his head to Wally, "phone call for you, Wally."

After Eddie said that, his face filled with panic as he saw you already got hurt while he took his eyes off you and Julie. "[NAME]!" Eddie said, running to you. 

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