And Don't Call Me Shirley

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At Valhalla Wash, Cal and the Meta are looking at Doc and the piece of wall he's stuck in, upright in the field. 

"Come on

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"Come on." Wash turns to the Meta. "Can't you get him out of there? He's just stuck in a few rocks."

The Meta snarls. 

"Why can't anything ever be easy?" Wash turns back to Doc. "Doc, I want you to tell me everything you know about the Reds and Blues. You know more than me. I just got here."

Cal walks up to Doc and hits him with the butt of her shotgun. 

"Ow!" Doc cries out.

Wash continues. "You worked with them before. Do they have any hideouts, anywhere they go when they're in trouble?"

"I don't know."

"Hit him." 

The meta goes up to Doc and hit him.

"OW!" Doc cries out.

"Did Simmons say where Sarge and Grif were?" Washington asks. "You can either answer me, or I can have California use her torture methods to get it out of you. Trust me she's brutal, she used to be an interrogator for a few years in the UNSC. Or I can beat it out of you. I think I've earned it."

"Man, you guys are really awful at the good cop bad cop thing. You're like bad cop, even worse cop. Then just plain ol' scary cop."

"Tell you what, Meta, let's just shoot him in the chest." Washington suggests. "See if we can pull the audio logs out of his helmet."

"Uh, he said something about a distress call!" Doc says.

"Hit him again."

The Meta hisses.

"Uh, Sand!" Doc shouts. "He-he mentioned sand."

"Sand." Washington thoughtfully says.

Cut to the Reds spying on Church and Caboose from nearby

Church: (to Caboose) Alright, well, let's go then. I actually thought it would take longer to convince you. Come on. I wanna get to the facility before nightfall.

Sarge: Facility, eh? I knew the Blues were up to somethin'. Come on men, let's get after those Blues! Sounds like this is the big opportunity we've been waitin' for.

Grif: You mean our opportunity to find a place to hole up until this all blows over?

Simmons: Some place that isn't a desert?

Sarge: No! A place to finally restore the Blues to Command's database. Get yer typing fingers ready Simmons!

Simmons: (sigh) Okay, I'll bring my carpal tunnel braces.

Sarge: If we're going to follow them we'll need a vehicle.

Grif: Well I'm sure we can grab another one from the camp down there.

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