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"JJ" John B waves his hand in front of his friends face.

"Earth to JJ?" He laughs


"Oh right what?" JJ zones back in.

"Where'd you go?" Pope smirks

"I was just thinking...."

"Oh no" John B teases

" what about?" Pope asks

"Well..." JJ swallows anxiously " you know that girl ... Kiara, I've Erm ..... been with her" he scratches his head

"Been with her?" Pope replies confused "what do you mean?"

"You know , 'been' with her" JJ raises his eyebrows, emphasis on the word 'been'

"I still don't underst...."

"Slept with her pope!" John B interrupts.

"Oh" pope replies in realisation

"Oh shit" he adds

"Yep" JJ sighs

"When?" Pope asks

"I don't know exactly ... maybe 8 or ..... 9 months ago" JJ puts his heads in his hands realising what he just said could mean.

"So what?" John B chirps in "be logical man, it's probably someone else's. Otherwise she would've told you"


"How did this even happen dude, I've never even seen you speak to her?"

"A party"


*Sarah's back at the hospital after school

"So what did your parents say?" She asks

"They want me to give her up for adoption"

"Ok well what do you want"

Kie reaches her hand out to the baby and she raps her tiny by and around her finger. Kie smiles.

"She's my baby ..... I don't think I can let her go."

"I mean I know she was a surprise for sure but ..... I think she's here for a reason"

"So what are you gunna tell your mum?"

"The truth i guess" Kie shrugs

"And you think she'll be ok with that?" Sarah asks sarcastically

"Nope. Not at all"

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