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"I want you out!"

"Mum pls" kiara edges her mum out of the room and follows behind her, giving a reassuring glance to JJ before closing the door.

Now they're both stood in the hall.

"Can you plsase not make a scene?"

"Me? You've snook a stranger into my house..."

"He's not a stranger though is he!"

"So it is him?"

"Yes, it's him ok?"

"So you've been gallivanting around on the cut, sleeping with random pogues then?"


"I thought you'd have a bit more class then that kiara, we've raised you better that's that!"

"How dare you!" Kie screams Tears stream down her face.

"I want that boy out of here!"

"That 'boy' is called JJ"

"I don't care what his name is, get him out!"

All the shootings woke Lilly up and she starts crying.


Kie storms back into her room, still crying.

"Come on baby" she picks up Lilly , bouncing her a little to soothe her. "We're leaving"

"You can come to mine" JJ says

"Thank you" she whispers

JJ grabs the baby bag and they both head out of kies room.

"Where the hell do you think your going!" Anna yells

"It doesn't matter. Anywheres better then here" Kie walks past her towards the front door.

"Your not taking Lilly anywhere!"

"Ha" Kie almost laughs "you can't stop us? she's our baby, ours"

The front door slams.

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