Prologue (1)

71 12 56

You must be thinking,
Rue, isn't hiding behind a different name a little low of you?

Yes, it is.
But no, I don't regret it.

I was willing to sacrifice everything for the thing I valued the most, but somewhere on the way, all of it went wrong.

Life is not an easy game to play. All the bites hurt like hell and they always leave scars.

My fate was always to be stuck like this, wasn't it? To be drowning in my sorrows, when I could sort my priorities in time.

My heart's been shattered to a million pieces and the reason is not only one thing. I don't know what sin I've committed that outdid everyone else's, but this karma has butchered every shot I had at life.

And after all, this is my fault, isn't it? All the bills are mailed to my address, and god does that make you feel like you messed up.

Now all alone I am, dancing the chaconne with myself in this mess because no one's ever going to look out for me, are they?

My "you and me" never existed because all along it has been only me. I am the greatest mastermind behind all the sad things in my life.
That's not something you hear from someone like me, don't you think?
I may not have regretted living with another name, but I do regret so many other things.

"Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude,"

- Anne Frank

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