|| Sugar-coated ||

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jungwon - pov

Three AM on the day of the final performance, I laid flat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling covered in glow-in-the-dark stickers, their faded luminescent glow giving me the comfort I always sought. Though I am not the one who put them up, I always wondered who did.

The thrill of performance day never leaves you, be it your first day or last, and the more you look forward to it, the worse you feel. I felt the chyme in my stomach churn at all odd angles, and its goal seemed to be to cause me pain in every way possible. But the thoughts in my head left the sensation in my gut a slow painful throb, quite opposite to the feeling I was used to. This happened to me so much, I remember how each muscle in my abdomen twisted and turned before every performance, that even if a little part of the pattern changed, I would immediately notice, which was what happened now.


I had other things to worry about, as I flipped onto my stomach, causing more noise than I intended, staring at the wall my bed was pushed against. On the opposite side of the room, I heard a soft knock on what I suspected was the room door which always hung open for convenience.

"You can't sleep either?" Heeseung asked in a low whisper and I knew the question was intended for me, considering the different forms of snoring wafting through the room.

I turned my head towards where I had heard his voice, and sure enough, he stood in the doorway, the kitchen light leaving a glow on him.
"Mhmm," I hummed in response to his question, and he gasped out a soft laugh, walking over to my bed and reaching out to fix the bangs shadowing my eyes while smiling so wide I thought his lips were bound to tear.

"Come on then, let's go,"
"Go where?" I hissed back in the same whisper as his.
"I don't know, anywhere? I'll be waiting at the door, be quick," and he left the room making no more noise.
I sat up as quietly as possible and descended the ladder of my bunk bed. I changed my clothes, washed my face and brushed my teeth in under two minutes, when Heeseung returned to my room, scolding me to hurry up. He pulled me by the arm to the kitchen, where the only light in the house was illuminated, and in it stood a Jay, hands crossed at his chest.

"Now where the hell do you think you two are going?"
"Ughh, must you always show up at the wrong times?" Heeseung groaned in annoyance, "Why are you up anyway, it's three am on Christmas morning for God's sake,"
"I could ask you the same thing," Jay highlighted, and Heeseung rolled his eyes.
"Don't you have better things to do than torment us?"

"To be honest, I don't feel tormented, it's just him," I added, trying not to be accused.

"Fine. Do what you want, the both of you. I just came to fetch some water anyway, my Christmas is now cursed with Heeseung's face first thing in the morning,"

"Merry Christmas to you too, bitch. Let's go Jungwon,"

Jay rolled his eyes, "I'm going back to sleep,"

The two of us crept outside, only locking the main door when we heard Jay's door close, the chills of the early morning sending shivers down my whole body as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my puffy jacket after blowing warm air into them. Truth was the rest of my outfit was pretty chilly; a dangerously thin long-sleeved top with my favourite thumbholes; high-waisted black jeans with patches of grey, which was the dust that had settled on it; ankle-length leather boots with the perfect silver latches and of course, my trusted puffy Varsity jacket with deep blue detailing. And black masks, how could I forget the masks?

Heeseung looked gorgeous, I won't lie. Like myself, he was dressed in all black too, but he had a better outfit, a better build. The look suited him, the clothes looked perfect and didn't hang awkwardly on the tall frame of his body. He looked perfect. If Engenes ever asked me how I could handle being around such beautiful people all the time, I would honestly tell them that I couldn't handle it. Something kept flipping in my stomach, drunk over with joy.

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