Chapter 4: Wedding of the Year

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🎶 Head Above Water — Avril Lavigne 🎶

Bobby and I spent the night separately as Carmen had asked me to stay with her. My alarm clock woke us up at 7am sharp, just half an hour before the hairdresser and make-up artist were set to arrive. I pulled out today's schedule and re-read it for the thousandth time, making sure that I had taken everything into account.
"It's your wedding day! Please hop under the shower now - you have a twenty minute time window for that" I said energetically, shaking my friend.
"Ugh - why are you such a planning fairy?" she growled but obliged after a few more stretches in bed. The hair & make-up people arrived and while they were prepping Carmen it was my turn to hop under the shower.

"I saw you talking to Charles yesterday?" Carmen asked when she was sitting on her chair, surrounded by people working on her head.
"I did." I simply replied.
"And?" she continued.
"Nothing, Bobby let out his inner fangirl and Charles seemed weirded out by that, he apparently thought I was going to talk badly about him to everyone" I said.
"Well, no one else I know is a big person like you who is able to stand above things..." Carmen replied.
I just shrugged and with that, the discussion was over.

While the bride's hair was resting in curlers on top of her head, it was my turn to get prepped and I opted to leave my hair open. My dress was also a bit daring for church, but I wanted to go all out before having to dress formally for the rest of my life probably. Carmen's Mum quickly said hi but I had to shoo her out before she could make her daughter all emotional too as she had already gotten applied her make-up.

When Carmen was getting her finishing touches, the flower girls, who had arrived by now, got their hair braided and each one received a small flower wreath on their heads. Carmen had now put on her dress and now it was my turn to get all emotional: she looked so beautiful.
"Let's just hope George won't drop dead when he sees you - or else you will have no wedding" I chuckled, but Carmen looked at me in horror.
"Your British humour is banned today!!" she shouted.

I quickly turned around terrified and acted busy with my phone, I decided to text Lando:

Maryyyyyy 👽
We are all set and ready 😎
How are you guys doing?

Lando Norris
At the church, George is the calmest groom I have ever seen in my life
Streets are crazy, you will definitely arrive late, there are so many people and police is having a hard time blocking the area
Charles showed up without gf may I add

Maryyyyyy 👽
Shooooot, I can't wait to see you guys
I'll text when we're around the corner!

I put my phone away and the photographer now instructed us on the poses that we should take together before driving to the church. Carmen's Dad had arrived now too and he was so happy to see his daughter all dolled up. We all hopped into the vintage Rolls Royce together and started driving. Lando was right, the atmosphere was incredible, there were so many people waving and cheering. We arrived with just a few minutes of delay and I prepared Carmen's dress for her entrance. The flower girls were in position and I was set to walk down behind the bride with Lando before we would split up in front of the alter.

The music started and Carmen started walking on her cue, good girl. I tried to catch a glimpse of George waiting for her in the front but was distracted when I saw my fiancé standing in the fourth or fifth row, looking at me with all lovey-dovey eyes. He was sitting next to Oli, his girlfriend, Alice and her boyfriend. We had finally made our way to the front and the ceremony started. It all was a blur and by the time I had caught on again, I was already standing in the Church's garden where the reception was taking place. Everyone was relieved that everything went so well, but my nervousness started rising instead. There was still the dinner with my speech to come and I was so stressed about possibly messing up everything.

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