Chapter 17: Scottish Christmas

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🎶 Feel — Robbie Williams 🎶

As soon as I stepped foot into my grandparents' house in Scotland on the evening of the 23rd, I wanted to disappear again. With Amelia's family and mine, including Dad's siblings and their children, the house was overly full and everybody was standing in each other's way. Additionally, Victoria, Bobby's sister had begged me to let her spend Christmas with us as she didn't have the mental capacity yet to spend it with her family in Florida, without Bobby for the first time. This meant that her and me had to sleep in a tiny double bed in a room with three other of my cousins and we would be sharing a bathroom with ten others.

Since it was only the 23rd, I dragged Victoria to the pub for dinner to escape the madness and we got drunk as fuck there.
"For the Kennedys originally being Irish you're quite the lightweight" I roared while we were on our way home.
"EWWWW you just stepped in dog poo!!!" she shouted and we both erupted in laughter.
We staggered home, me barefoot with my shoes full of shit in my hand. Everyone was already asleep when we returned but no wonder.

We slept in the next day until 1pm and Mum was furious that I didn't help with the preparations, so I quickly hid in the kitchen and volunteered doing the dishes, this would keep me busy all afternoon and I wouldn't have to witness everyone bustling around my brother and his fiancée. I was happy for him, really, but it just hurt that he was here all happy peppy getting engaged while I was two years older, with no prospect of a future.

When the gong rang, I ran upstairs faster than a Red Bull, in order to be the first one in the bathroom to get ready. I did not have more than 7 minutes before my cousins and Amelia's sisters started banging on the door. Victoria was still dead from yesterday evening, so I quickly gave her a vodka shot from Grandpa's alcohol cart, in hopes that it would help her wake up a bit.

 Victoria was still dead from yesterday evening, so I quickly gave her a vodka shot from Grandpa's alcohol cart, in hopes that it would help her wake up a bit

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📍 Highlands, Scotland
mary.wright98 Christmas dinner ready 🍸

beabea.wright Stop doing photo shoots and get downstairs now
tory_kdy Loookin' gooood
alicebecket Bahahahahah this picture is pure gold
charles_leclerc 😂👌🏼
landonorris I am currently wondering how much money I'd make if I cropped out your feet from this and sold the pictures online
Replying to landonorris:
mary.wright98 I swear I'll block you

"A bit late, but get in that drawing room now" Mom told me angrily and I obeyed, I didn't have the energy to give her an attitude now.
Amelia's father was doing a speech on how happy he was her daughter had found such a great guy like Oli and bla bla bla. I quickly made myself a Scotch on the rocks as I was seated next to the alcohol cart in a lucky turn of events. Two others followed before we finally made our way to the dining room. There were at least eight other unnecessary speeches and by the time we were going to Church, I was fully drunk again. There, I sat myself tactically on a side bench and fell asleep leaned to a pillar.

The next morning was even worse, because we all had to be downstairs for Oli and Amelia's engagement photo call with the media. It was exhausting having to put on a smile the whole time, even though I was genuinely happy - I just thought that this circus was just a bit too much.

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