Chapter 18: Into 2029

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🎶 SexyBack (feat. Timbaland) — Justin Timberlake, Timbaland 🎶

When I left Scotland, I made sure to apologise to Oli for my behaviour, but he actually found it hilarious and said that my drunk ass was way more entertaining than his bride's uncles' boring speeches.

Alice and I had met at Heathrow and flown to Monte-Carlo together. Before the big night on the 31st, we spent two evenings at a spa resort, and it was very much needed for me. While I was relaxing and switching off from the outside world with massages, she made sure to get a whole-body-waxing and peeling plus a haircut and a facial as she wanted to look her best for New Year's Eve in order to hook up with a guy.

When we came back to my loft in Monte-Carlo, I found a text message on my phone:

Marta Molino
Hi Mary! We are kids-free for a few days and having a pre-drinking at ours tomorrow evening starting at 8. You are very welcome to bring along your friend and to join us at our table at Twiga afterwards!

Mary future Leclerc
Wow, thanks Marta! We're coming! What shall we bring?

Marta Molino
We've got drinks covered, maybe some food?
No wait, you guys are British, no food.
Just a bottle of champagne will do! 🍾

Mary future Leclerc
Hey! I'm a better cook than Charles!

Marta Molino
Yeah thanks, not risking it 😄

Marta MolinoYeah thanks, not risking it 😄

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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
mary.wright98 Ready to ring in the New Year!
📸 by alicebecket

landonorris What are those horrendous shoes?
Replying to landonorris:
mary.wright98 I thought they were funky and looked cool!
georgerussell63 What are those horrendous shoes?
alex_albon What are those horrendous shoes?
oli_wright_one_and_only What are those horrendous shoes?
mary.wright98 Ok guys shut up, can't you just say that my hair looks nice or something else??
charles_leclerc Your hair looks nice
maxverstappen1 🚨🚨 Charles Leclerc, you have been arrested for kissing ass, you have the obligation to stay silent 🚨🚨

We made our way to Marta and Riccardo's the following night and I made sure to convince her that I was a good cook by showing her pictures from my gallery of stuff I had cooked. The usual people from the friend group were invited, but there were also two or three new girlfriends I didn't know yet - only Joris was still single.

"Hey hey" I heard Charles say after tapping my shoulder.
"Heeey" I said and hugged him tightly before kissing him on both cheeks. "Look at you, dress pants, shirt, blazer, this is the chicest I have seen you on a night out!" I chuckled.
"Well, when there's a British aristocrat going out with you, you have to dress the part" he said with a smug smile.
My face fell a bit, maybe he was interested in Alice now that she was single. But he slung his arm around my shoulders and dragged me to the drinks table.
"Pour me the strongest G&T you're able to produce" he said and smiled at me.

We were all very tipsy by the time we got to the club and I pretty much glued myself to Marta as I didn't trust myself around Charles in this state.
"I know exactly what you're doing and I've got you covered" she chuckled and dragged me to the dance floor, far away from Charles.

We had a great night together and clinked our champagne glasses when it turned midnight. We danced until 4.30 but then the music started getting sloppy and Joris shouted to all of us: "Let's go to my drinks for an after-place!!" which we responded to with loud cheering and clapping.

We were now all sat on Joris' sofas, me safely between Marta and Riccardo, and the host was pulling out drinks from his fridge with help from Alice, who had been glued to him all evening. Suddenly he shouted: "OH MY GOD GUYS!!" and ran to us. "I found our drinking cards!!"
"No way!! My God, we haven't played for what - 12/13 years?" Riccardo said.
"We have to play!!!!!!!!" Marta exclaimed.
"Ok, for those who don't know: On these cards are funny questions and tasks, we actually wrote these all ourselves in our last year of school: the host starts and pulls one, reads the question out and decides who has to answer it. In addition this person must also take two sips of his drink. Then it's his turn and so on and so on. If everyone thinks the person answering lied, he or she must finish the drink." Charles explained
We all nodded and poured ourselves a drink of our choice.

Joris pulled the first card: "How many sex toys do you own? Aaahhhh I feel like this is a question for the married couple, your turn Marta!"
"Erm... Maybe four?" she said and turned dark red. We all believed her and she only took two sips before it was her turn to read out: "What's the steamiest place you've ever had sex? Ohhh, I want to know, holy Mary!!"
I put my head in my hands. "Charles' Pista" I replied bluntly.
"EW! I SAT THERE!" Joris shouted.
"Me too!!!!!" Riccardo joined him.
Charles just sat there grinning and sent me a wink. I wanted to disappear into thin air.
The game went on, some questions and tasks were funny, but most of them were dirty. Big shocker, someone told Alice to kiss Joris and it turned out into a full make-out session.
Then Riccardo read out: "What's your biggest regret?"
Charles looked to the ground: "Choosing Ferrari over Mary when the team gave me an ultimatum."
"They did WHAT?" "What the hell, Charles?" "You coward! Why did you hide this from us? "You idiot!" Everyone was full on shouting at him and he just stood up and walked out on the balcony.
"Is this true?" someone asked and everyone turned to me.
"He didn't tell you guys?" I asked.
"Never. He told us you had 'irreconcilable differences'" Marta said.
"Well it was kind of irreconcilable" I whispered. "Can you guys excuse me?" I said and also walked over to the balcony. Everyone inside was agitated and blabbering loudly about what they had just heard.

"Why did you tell them now?" I asked Charles, who was looking down at the street.
"Because it's true. It's my biggest regret. And if I could turn back time, I'd change it in a heartbeat." he replied.
"But we can't turn back time" I said.
"No, we can't." he said and looked at me.

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