Chapter 49: The Construct Factory

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Sidon held the mask as you inspected the shelves full of Zonai fans, glider wings, steering sticks, and rockets. You nodded to yourself and held your hand out to a wing. You thought about reaching and having control of the object. That was when green light swirled around your hand, and the light shot forth to the wing. You adjusted the wing's position to lay flat, and you stole the mask from Sidon's hands. Gently, you placed the mask on the nose of the wing.

"What do you think?" You set your hands on your hips. "Not too bad, huh?"

"Seems a bit bare, don't you think?" He tilted his head.

"I mean, what else can I do? We don't have any Energy Wells."

"I guess that's true. Let's set it on the railing."

You carefully set the glider on the railing and rushed to it, expecting it to slide down. Instead, the glider stayed in place. You peered down on each side. "Ugh, I might need a little push."

"Way ahead of you!" Sidon jumped onto the wing and clenched his tridents tight, his stone beginning to glow. A gigantic force of water exploded from his weapons and launched the wing off the railing.

Your startled scream turned into a laugh, "Okay, now we just need to follow the light! Where is it leading us to?"

Sidon positioned himself near the front of the wing, helping it aim more towards the ground. He squinted as he tried to make out the landmarks below. "It looks like we're heading in the direction of Dueling Peaks."

"But it seems to fall a bit short. Could it be..." You looked down at your map then back down at the world below. "I think it's leading us to Tobio's Hollow."

"That place? I've only known that place to be an abandoned wasteland. Now it has some sort of significance?"

"I guess so."

You and Sidon directed the wing to fly downward toward Tobio's Hollow. It wasn't long before you both glided into its midst, and you both hopped off of the wing before it gently landed into the water. As you got your bearings, your eyes grew wide at the sight of what was in front of you. Tobio's Hollow used to be fairly empty. There were only two forms of land in the small pond, and only dead trees lived upon them. Now in the center of the pond was a large ruined stone-island. There was a big statue of an owl, similar to the ones seen all over the Faron region. In front of the owl was a small pedestal.

You activated your Ultrahand and unattached the mask from the wing. When you moved it closer to the pedestal, green text began to shine upon it. A loud bang sounded beneath your feet, causing you to drop the mask. The owl statue began to rise. It revealed a new building leading down into a room.

"Wow," you and Sidon breathed out.

You lifted the mask into your hands and began to carefully make your way down into the room. Sidon followed after you, admiring the amazing stonework inside. It all sloped down to a grated octagonal flooring. A hook rested at its center, and you attached the mask to it. The floor began to rumble, and it slowly descended the two of you below the room all on its own. At first the area just seemed to be a large cave, but it soon became clear that it was much more than that. Soon the cave became a steep drop down, just like a chasm.

Another bright tone sounded within the two of you. Mineru's voice was stern, "____, Princess of Hyrule... You must hurry. We must meet as soon as possible."

"I hear you, Mineru," you affirmed.

The floor descended you farther and farther. Flurries of blue light began to appear, along with bits of gloom particles. Sidon's eyes widened as he said in disbelief, "Are we in the Depths?"

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