A new World

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Zhongli POV

Soft light lit up my vision as I opened my eyes, what usually would have been a beautiful view was offset by the brutal pain emanating from my head.



Pain like this shouldn't be possible, definitely not randomly, I certainly wasn't vain enough to believe I was invincible but I should at least be unaffected by a mere headache and I was fairly confident I hadn't been injured...

My confusion was cut short by a voice that could invoke the wish to step off a cliff.

"Mmmm... Why does my head hurt so much...?" The whiny voice I had grown unfortunately acquainted to over the past millennia rang out about a meter from me.

However as I fully opened my eyes to reprimand this irritation I was suddenly aware of multiple problems.

Problem one, I was moving in a vehicle, now this hasn't been so strange at first, I have visited Fontaine since their own methods of transportation had arrived, the strange part was that this certainly wasn't Fontaine.

Problem two came from my lack of awareness of my surroundings, it hadn't occurred to me at first but everything was so... Quiet... Not in the literal sense, but rather the world itself seemed closed off from my touch.

And third came the most concerning, soft purple hair flowed over my shoulder, the head of Inazuma's archon sleeping softly.

With a look of confusion I muttered softly.

"Well this is problematic"

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