Vol.3: As the pieces fell into place

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(Short note, since I removed the chapters that were equivalent to Sudo's case Ryuuen isn't nearly as well known by Kiyo or vice versa, anyway, enjoy the chapter.)

Ayanokouji POV

The faint sounds of the forest were barely audible as I moved through the undergrowth, the last day would be tomorrow and with it would come the climax to this game we'd all been playing, apparently class C had vanished earlier today and with it theories and speculations had begun to grow.

A few more steps across the shadowed island and I arrived at a small fire, a figure sitting back against the tree.

"Hey." I called simply, his head turning to register me before glancing back to his roasting food.

"Well that was fast, I'm actually dissapointed y'know?"

"I'm sure you are." I paused as I sat down opposite him before speaking up. "You really have thought this through huh."

"Eh, Ei wouldn't like it if I was lazy, but she thought this plan had merit y'know?"

"I'd joke about you explaining it but that would be useless, I'm actually interested in something else."

For the first time since I arrived the leader of class C met my eyes, curiosity burning within.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Ei is a competent leader, certainly lacking in some social skills and cunning, but she's competent nonetheless. Yet despite that you're her co-leader, if anything you're respected more than her." I paused for a moment. "Or feared I guess, the point is that I'm curious about what makes you so interesting."

Something about that earnt a laugh from the boy, but when he responded there was nothing but honesty.

"Yeah I know what you mean, but there's an easy answer really. Ei is definitely stronger as much as I hate to admit it, but she's definitely not as good at mental warfare. Her main go to methods work but they revolve around instilling the idea you can't stand against her, and she hasn't really bothered with that yet."

"And don't think I haven't been pulling my own strings, class D just hasn't been the target yet."

As dawn of the last full day approached things started to go change, the moment I woke up I found a flaming pile with our manual in the centre, not really a problem but it was clearly causing one as blame was thrown between classmates, this only lasted until the next thing was discovered however.

There was a distinct lack of both Horikita and Ibuki.

Almost as if on command the day got worse again, an approaching storm cloud did little to ease our worries as the fog rolled in on the island, our class scrabbling to put equipment inside.

What a pain.

I began to walk in the direction of the footprints, the damp climate leaving at least one good thing in its wake.

Step after step, boredom clouding my mind, this really was such a dull plan, not that there's a problem with that if it works I suppose.

The sound of confrontation filled my ears as I came upon the two missing girls, the sight of an axe kick striking towards Horikita making me sigh slightly as I waited for them to finish.

Horikita, now no longer sick, was putting up a very good fight, but it was clear she wasn't on the skill of her brother, and likely just behind Ibuki.

As the latter was about to land a hit she paused and stepped back.

"Ayanokouji?" Annoyance clear in her gaze as she spoke, "Can you back off for a minute?"

"Sure, can you answer something for me though?"

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