S.S: To challenge lightning itself

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Ayanokouji POV

The blank look I had as I approached the purple haired co-leader of class C was one most people had grown accustomed to, though few had yet to avoid the unsettling feeling it brought.

Her glance however was one of curiosity as the sound of my footfall approached, I assume I'd interrupted a meditation of some variety from the position she was in.

But for once she was completely alone.

"Are you here for me Ayanokouji?" Her voice softer than it usually was, the lack of responsibility clearly being good for her.

"Yeah I am, I'm sorry for interrupting, but my curiosity got the better of me."

The response causing her head to tilt, though she probably knew what I meant.

"We spoke since the fight anyway didn't we? Why not ask about it then?"

"I had other priorities I suppose, but regardless this is important."

"In what way?"

A small glance off to the side was all I gave before responding, the gesture being in the direction of class A's camp.

"You react wrong. Not badly, wrong. You reacted to Zhongli like you were leaving opportunity to do something with your free hand, like you'd done it a thousand times that way."

Unfortunately her expression hardened a little, registering the words and skills I'd have needed to work that out.

"It seems a little unfair to judge how I fight when I haven't seen you do the same doesn't it?"

The half baked lie to distract from my point was intriguing however.

"I suppose you'd like to test me then? I can't provide weapons however, so I'll admit that you have a disadvantage and won't be overconfident if I win."

"After seeing how I fight you speak like you know you'll win, are you as skilled as your confidence suggests or just foolish? Regardless I accept that and will provide my full skill."


With little hesitation she moved forward, fast, I barely had a moment to dodge before a kick swiped over my head, a step back barely avoiding the hand that struck towards my stomach.

All I needed was a few more seconds, I didn't want to misjudge her speed after all.

Surroundings began to fade to white as muscle memory took over my movements, my mind processing ever detail in her stance and steps until I was back in that place, the mentality drilled into me from the day it all began seeming to define my actions.


I stepped under a strike and retaliated, though she simply twisted to avoid it.

Not that her face didn't show surprise at the strike, rather she was competent enough not to let it hinder her.

I wouldn't stop though.

Another swing, then a sweep, she was fast, but a blow to the head would definitely take her down.

I still needed to land it though.

I leaned a small bit back to avoid another hit before.

A viscous strike cracked my rib as I moved towards it, taking the blow in exchange for landing my own.

Despite her experience Ei clearly hadn't expected me to be able to ignore the pain of a broken bone without even a slight decrease in speed.

I doubt she'd make the same mistake unfortunately.

Though as my fist crushed against the temple I was certain of my victory, it had been risky, but had paid off.

That's what I thought at least, I'd been betting on that single hit being enough to take her down, though that clearly wasn't the case as she got up, spitting blood out and smiling before nodding.

"You wish to continue?" The soft voice returned, had I not just experienced her bloodlust I'd never have believed it was the same person.

"I'm good if you don't mind, I still have an exam to contribute to, and any more broken ribs would be inconvenient."

"I suppose that's true." Her words were followed by a light giggle as she smiled.

"You've lived a harsh life haven't you Ayanokouji." The gentle look having no affect on my composure.

"Who knows."

"Regardless you were a skilled fighter. But relying on my lack of durability was flawed, not that I didn't do the same. I'd like to do this again after we return to the school."

"You were extremely competent aswell. I guess we should take this as a draw?"

"Sure." She laughed, a confident smile on her face. "You'd likely have won this one though, that hit still has me disoriented."

"Perhaps, but I was just lucky you assumed I'd have a reaction to the impact of a broken bone, I doubt I'd have landed the hit otherwise."

With that I walked back towards the camp, though I truly had enjoyed the fight, maybe one day I'd be able to smile as she did when I was about to land the strike.

I'd intended to see if I could prove her supposed godhood, though maybe that doesn't matter.

I'd win anyway, god or human, I was confident of that at least.


Hey! Short chapter I know. I wanted to give Ayanokouji and Ei to get closer but in a way akin to being equals.

I left the fight open ended partly so I can work with more opportunities for this in the future and also cos I know I'll get shit for having either of them win and I'm way too tired right now.

Either way I hope you all enjoyed and I'll give you something bigger next time, see you and enjoy the new year.

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