Vol.3: Prologue

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Hoshinomiya POV

My panicked breaths slipped from my lips as they left, a small grin on my face as the adrenaline began to slip away.

I shakily sat up from behind the corner, barely half a meter from where that Ayanokouji boy had been hiding.

-That seemed strange...- The annoyed voice muttered, and I couldn't help but agree.

Ayanokouji was concerningly skilled, hell, he only got caught because he took the fall for me getting noticed, but even more than that...

"What were they talking about?" I muttered seriously, the ditsy persona being discarded as I contemplated the three childrens words.

-I'll tell you now that it's nothing to do with school, so there's no need for you to drag me out to follow them again-

I paused for a moment, registering the intentionally evasive words before shrugging.

"Why are you complaining, hm? I'm the once who has to do all the physical activity!" I pouted, the boy sighing in faint irritation at my way of speaking.

He's been doing that alot actually...

I stretched and finally began to walk, confident the others had dissapeared now.

After a few minutes I ended up near the faculty lounge, though I must have 'accidentally lost focus' as I tripped into Sae-chan, throwing her paperwork across the floor.

"Sorry Sae-chan! I didn't see you there!?" I called out awkwardly, crawling over so I was above her, intentionally putting her in an awkward position.

"Ughhhh... Chie...?" I heard her mutter, the words sounding tired.

"Yes Sae-chan?"

"Move." A soft giggle escaped my lips as she said that, leaning in slightly.

"Aww... Sae-chan~ Isn't this like the old days?" My prey looking at me with a mix of annoyance and frustration before responding.

"I think we remember them very differently Chie..." The words making me pout cutely, before sighing and sitting up, the boy in my mind sighing in annoyance at my antics.

Rude, most boys would kill to be inside me~

I chuckled slightly at my unspoken joke, with Sae looking mildly confused before standing up.

"What do you think about the exam?" She said quietly, looking at me with a curious glint in her eyes.

Oh yeah. That.

"I don't know why they decided to use a different island... just cos it's recently found doesn't mean we need it, plus installing the new spots was such a waste of money, not to mention barring off the way underground... Even so, it should be loads of fun right!" The teacher of class D looking at me with surprise.

"It's rare you ever speak so seriously you know?" My head tilting as she did so.

"Hehe, maybe I'll be able to act like an actual adult!" I called out cheerfully, pumping my fist and grinning widely, a collective sigh filling both my ears and mind as I did so.


Horikita POV

-What are you doing, I have to find Him!-

I clutched my head with a grimace as the voice overlapped in my mind, my sanity crumbling as I glared at the girls who stopped to ask if I was okay.

Why were they so quiet around him...


The dregs of my coherent thoughts knew that what I had with Venti was wrong, after all he was only with me to help me, and I was with him because the constant arguing and shouts in my brain felt just a little quieter.

It was like a drug...

But I need it!

I glared and sat back in my seat, projecting the so called 'ice queen' persona I apparently emanated, the boy beside me tilting his head towards me.

I hate him.

They're so loud when he's here, like an argument between exes.

"You seem down today." He acknowledged apathetically, my eyes shooting daggers into him at the words. To which he blinked, waiting for an answer anyway.

"I'm fine, honestly you really don't know how to mind your business do you." I responded coldly, my frustration rising when he didn't turn away.

"Are you on your-" His statement was shut down however as I dug the compass through his hand a look of anger evident in my eyes. Or at least I thought it was, until he spoke again.

"Ow." The words echoing emotionlessly in my ears. "You know you could avoid stabbing me every so often, people will start to think you're a psychopath."

Once again I felt my irritation rise though this time I refused to respond, instead covering my eyes and inhaling deeply.

-Why won't you let me find Her!-

Her this time huh... I registered offhandedly, it had got to the point where I tried to keep track of who was talking, hopefully finding a cause, but so far it was to no avail.

The voices sudden quiet caused me to look up to find my boyfriend sitting on the desk, his skirt, which I'd grown strangely accustomed to, way too short on him, causing me to pull on the ends, unfolding it slightly and hopefully making him look less...


I sighed in relief as he kissed my head gently, the newfound silence causing me to whine softly in pleasure, unfortunately this wasn't missed by my neighbour.

"Horikita, please keep your perversion to the bedroom." The phrase causing Venti to laugh hysterically, it's not like there was any doubt that it was his fault Ayanokouji was like this after all...

I turned towards the boy with what I hoped was an unsettling smile.

"Of course! Maybe once you teach your girlfriend not to stare at you constantly I'll consider it!"

He glanced towards me and shrugged, I knew he wanted to keep his relationship secret but that doesn't mean he didn't expect me to figure it out, Kushida wasn't as obvious as I made her out to be, but a little focus and it wasn't much of a chore to work out.

He was weirdly sharp sometimes, though nothing special, after all expecting someone to find out your secret wasn't an exceptionally difficult thing to do, people just often ignored the possibility.

I turned towards the front however as Chabashira-sensei entered, a small smile on her face, not that it looked friendly in the slightest.

"Listen up. As promised for your success in the midterms you will all be staying on a luxury cruise, so please prepare any belongings in advance for your trip." Her words however felt strange, I wasn't quite sure why but the lack of any phrase that could suggest we'd enjoy it or that it was a holiday was off putting. Though I suppose it could have just been chance...

The class however, barring Koenji and Ayanokouji, was filled with cheers and shouts.

"Hell yeah!"

"Let's go!"

"A cruise!? So there'll be pools and stuff right!?"

The latter sentence however, felt off-putting, especially considering it was Yamauchi who said it.

A few other girls sent a distrustful glance but for once everyone was far more preoccupied by the news.

Venti, as expected, seemed thrilled, and was kicking his legs excitedly as he listened, looking over at me and Ayanokouji with an ecstatic expression.

A small chuckle leaving my lips at his demeanor.

I suppose a cruise would be nice.


Hey! Still a short chapter but no where near as long a wait. Finally I'm able to start the cruise and island exam, and it should be a good laugh.

If it wasn't evident why Horikita was so desperate to be around Venti I hope I cleared it up a little as well.

Hope you're enjoying yourselves and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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