Vol.3: The perfect counter

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Ayanokouji POV

I stared boredly forward at the girl, doubt evident in my eyes.

"You're a spy." My words causing her to frown in frustration, responding with about the amount of hostility I'd expected.

"Oh fuck off, do I look like I want to be here?"

Before me sat Ibuki Mio, a tomboy and one of the most influential figures of class C.

"Yeah pretty much."

"My face is bruised!"

"You could have just had a fight with a tree."

My clear indifference to her injury seemed to frustrate the girl further, though at the moment it was confusion that clouded her eyes.

"A tree?"

"Well obviously you lost."

"I'm not gonna lose to a tree you bastard!"

I sighed at the response, my boredom satiated enough for me to give in and be more honest.

"You have dirt under your nails, you clearly buried something, probably a camera or some form of communication device."

"...Why would you admit you know?"

Good question actually.

"Oh I don't really care, I'll bring you to the class and they'll probably want you around, and it's not like you couldn't just tell Ryuuen without the, what, radio? I don't gain much by pretending not to know."

She blinked a few times, my statement taking a second to set in.

"You have no faith in your classmates do you?"

"That's a bit far, I have faith in some of my classmates, just not the class in general."

With a small shrug she stood up and offered her hand.

"Ibuki Mio."

I shook it before responding, confused at her change of tone.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Without bothering to ask I turned towards the camp and began to walk.

"You gonna tell them I'm a spy?"

"Nah, I'd rather watch who figures it out."

"Huh... And the radio?"

"I'll break that, I can't be too useless."

Once again she shrugged, seemingly understanding my view on the situation.

"Oh where's your class by the way?" I questioned.

"There's a clearing in the south, they're down there."

I paused for a moment before continuing.

"Ryuuen was going to invite us anyway wasn't he?"

"Yeah, no point keeping it a secret."

"Good luck as a spy."

"Same with you, your class seems like a nightmare."

With that we approached the camp, the various students pausing at the sight of me and her approaching.

"Ibuki! Are you okay?" My girlfriend came running over, concern spreading over her face at Ibuki's injuries.

"Fine. It was dumb for me to even be brought here."

The harshness paired with looking away created quite the rude image, it was a good idea in theory, by making it seem like she didn't want to be here it made her seem less like a spy. It was kinda obvious but it's not like you could prove it was a lie.

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