Vol.3: The friend you barely know

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Karuizawa Kei POV

Only a couple days and I could finally get back to the school, it had seemed really fun y'know? Well, before this whole thing about a special exam had arrived.

Aw mou, why is this school so freaking mean huh? This is during the holidays isn't it?

The pout on my face was clearly picked up by Mori, who seemed fairly equally annoyed at this scenario, the prospect at a fun trip on an island replaced with moving berries back and forth, and it was so biased as well!

At least Ayanokouji had been made to go scouting constantly, but Venti and Haruka had basically done fuck all after the first day, like what's up with that!

Kushida you need to be a lil stricter y'know?

Leaning backwards a little to stare at the sky I shook my head before moving over towards Hirata, the couple steps I'd made halting as I changed my mind.

Fuck why was he the only popular guy huh? If only it had been someone more...


Nope, not that, it's not the fact that he isn't aggressive that's the problem, it's just that he's so damn pacifistic!

Like seriously Hirata, I'm supposed to be your girlfriend, you could at least try and look protective!

"Hey, Karuizawa?"


The monotonous voice caused me to turn, a slight glare in my eyes as I looked at Ayanokouji.

"What is it huh?"

Unfortunately my pretty obvious aggression was lost on him as he glanced down at me.

Well I tried, that's all I really had to do here.

"I was told by Venti that I probably shouldn't have given the panties back in public, so I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I trust you didn't steal them. But only cos Kushida sticks up for you y'know?" I sighed as I spoke, the boy nodding at my response.

With that he began to walk away, the shake of my head lost in the fading conversation as my bewildered expression was replaced with annoyance.

How'd he get so well liked anyway huh? Everyone trusts and while not everyone likes him he's pretty consistently liked, not even the boys who want Kushida worry like they used to about Venti since he's so bland.

Why don't people bully him then huh?

Like, I didn't want the guy to suffer, but he's basically just some nobody in a popular group, yet literally no one doubts it, it's like he just fits there?

Then again, I know why I don't...

He's freaking creepy!

Like, literally never changes his expression, how'd you do that huh? He doesn't even glance at anything weird when Kushida or Hasebe are around, or anyone for that matter, it's weird!

It's not like I want him to be a pervert but still!

"Hey Koji!" I called out, just loud enough to catch his attention but not enough for anyone else to really pay attention.


"What's up with you huh? You never change your expression, you never act like a pervert, hell you never even look happy!" The prying tone I used seemed to stop me from sounding curious, as dumb as that sounds, but it hopefully came off as just nosy, I can't risk rumours that I have a thing for him.

Like, it'd be dumb if someone thought I did from that, but people are dumb y'know?

"Who knows?"

Fuck, seriously that's such a frustrating answer! If he's like this all the time how does anyone put up with him? Hasebe I get cos she's teasing as fuck, Venti aswell, but Kushida? There's no way she's interested in...

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