Vol.4: Pawn to E4

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As our sparring blades clashed in the quiet dojo that, for some reason, had been installed into the Sperenza I smiled, the boy before me had been finally catching up, not to me of course but to the peak of the technique a mortal could attain.

It was incredibly impressive actually, if only he was more than just a mortal, there's a good chance he'd be among the best of us soon.

The slight smile of longing was caught by Ayanokouji as he struck, once again his sword parried by my own.

"Something on your mind?" His voice breaking the vocal silence that had befallen the room.

"I suppose I was hoping we'd have more time, you really do have alot of potential." The words ended as I finally put him to the floor, he was good but not quite to my level.

That's not to say he couldn't win here and there, just that I wouldn't lose often.

The eyes of my opponent hardened for a moment as he considered my words, I suppose it was strange to say, though I have a slight feeling he knows the truth, not that I could say why.

I moved forward again, the second he'd stood up my blade was swinging towards his neck, the sudden attack parried instead of dodge as he used the guard on the blade to hit it upwards.

Despite having the advantage I was immediately pushed back for a second by a flurry of slashes, each one oddly precise and careful in how it moved.

If anything Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was clearly well suited to the blade.

A serenity set into his eyes as he moved, a tunnel vision seeming to set in as I was forced to parry and dodge with great speed. The final few swings countered as I slid my blade along his own, directing it just enough to the side to slip past, unfortunately he was fast enough to dodge backwards and avoid the counter.

The expressionless gazes we had matched smoothly, reflections of what was so similar and so different all at once. The product of something beyond ourselves, forced to discard what makes us to survive hardship.

This round stretched longer and longer, the actions we took begining to grow in pace and intensity until we each began to mirror the other.

How strange, I appreciate the limits from this mortal body but it felt... Nice, to watch someone I'd taught become a competent rival.

As pace built I eventually saw an opening, not one made of error on his side, but it seems I'd swung too heavily while focusing on my thoughts, an act that if I wasn't so consistent in the strength I used would never mean anything. But to Ayanokouji who'd picked up on my consistency and had been careful to conserve energy my change was an entirely sudden one.

And with the blade pushed back just slightly more I was able to strike his side.

"Ah, it really is important not to become too content with what you know I suppose." The boys expressions still not changing, though his voice contained a hint of thoughtfulness as he considered the fight. Strangely however he seemed to shrug it off and turn towards me.

"This may appear strange to ask, but why are you called Beelzebul by Morax?" The suddenness of the question catching me off guard for a moment.

Perhaps my next actions would be considered foolish, but I'd never been secretive about my identity unlike the other two.

So as I placed the wooden blade in the corner and sat on the ground I began to speak. Ayanokouji clearly understanding and mimicking my actions.

"How much do you know? And how?" My voice gentle and measured, a little relieved actually, maybe he could help get us out if he knew why we were here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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