Vol.2: S.S Voices

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Ichinose POV

I held my head as I lay on the bed, the incessant voice that I'd been forced to put up with for the past week now continuing to speak.

~Honestly, I don't know what that girl was thinking challenging Morax, why, I've watched her fail to use a campfire, it's beyond me why she'd attempt such a thing~

A sharp pain speared me as I slammed my head off the wall, the voice yelping slightly.

~Hey! I'm in here you know~

Words slipped from my mouth as I sat there.

"You're not real... Not real... Just get out of my head..."

I felt a sigh from within me.

~Oh? And how do you explain me knowing things even you don't, hm?~

For the first time I clenched my fist and spoke directly to the voice.

Hehe... I'd finally lost it...

"W-what are you...?"

~Rude, I'm a person y'know~

The voice chuckled in my mind.

"A-are you a... Um... Demon...?"

My question was quickly mocked by an echoing laughter however.

~You're such an adorable little thing aren't you, don't worry, I'm nothing so scary~

Then what... Had my guilt really messed me up this badly...

~Can you look in the mirror for me? You've had a strange aversion to doing so recently and I want to see what I'm working with~

I shook my head nervously.

"I'm scared... I don't want to see something different... I want to see me..."

My body trembled as I spoke, I knew I was being dumb but-

~Honami? Won't you be good and look in the mirror?~

I whimpered in fear as I felt the voice encompass my very body, as if it came from within my soul, before slowly stepping towards the mirror and removing the towel I'd pinned above it.

And in front of me stood...


For something so obvious I found it extremely shocking...

I blinked to find myself standing normally, if not slightly nervous with small bags under my eyes where exhaustion had begun to catch up.

~My my~ aren't I lucky to have been paired with someone so pretty, if only you were less... Stubborn~

The last few words felt harsh and I quickly snapped back.

"You try dealing with the voice of insanity in your mind!"

I felt a slight chuckle before it spoke again.

~Not that, I meant that befriend everyone thing you've got going~

My heart sank slightly.

"W-whats wrong with that! Venti and Kushida are the same!"

I felt an overwhelming sensation as I experienced my own soul be held gently.

~Oh dear... If you think they have good intentions then I pity you..." It muttered sympathetically~

"And how would you know!" I shouted indignantly, struggling not to embrace the warm sensation.

~I've known Venti for a long time... And I saw how that Kushida girl looked at times... It's a miracle no-one figured it out before me~

I sat back, barely questioning the statement, I knew I should but...

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