Vol.3: A gyaru's rollercoaster of emotions

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Venti POV

"-up! Everyone wake up please!"


"But I was having such a good dream?"

"Sorry Venti, but this is important."

My mind finally zoned into the words of Kushida, who'd been trying to get the members of our tent to move for the past few minutes.

With a small push I dragged myself out of the tent, even without a drink I wasn't a morning person, and apparently floors weren't as comfortable when your body got bruised as easily as it did now.

With a short stretch I looked over to where Karuizawa was glaring at us, tears in her eyes.

Oh, this is how today's gonna go is it.

"Yoohoo! Why so sad?" My cheerful voice seemed to birth a mix of irritation and amusement, the gyaru chuckling a little at the statement, though very little genuine mirth lay behind the laugh.

In the tent over I heard some of the other guys complaining, Hirata doing his best to calm them.

"What happened then?" The voice of a rather annoyed Ike ringing out.

"Some Pervert stole Karuizawa's panties!" The statement causing a mix of frustration and worry.

"Hang on, how do you know they were stolen?" The uncaring voice of Kiyotaka earning some glares, though most just treated the question reasonably.

"She's certain they weren't misplaced."

This was enough for most, but of course you could never be absolutely sure about something, it's possible she's wrong.

"How do you know it's a guy?" I called out curiously, this question earning a good deal more aggression than Kiyotaka's had.

"You're saying a girl did this!"

"I don't know? Maybe she has a thing for our resident gyaru?" With that I saw out the corner of my eye a girl blush, though I didn't think too much of it.

It wasn't any of my business, and it's not like I don't know the actual thief.

At the side Ibuki looked on, confusion muddling her expression, though that could have been for a number of reasons. The argument heating up as the less intelligent members of our class began to speak.

"Is it okay if we do a bag search? There's nothing to hide right?" The calming voice of Kushida was enough for everyone to pause for a moment, though one did speak up.

"I don't want a girl looking through my stuff!?"

"Oh? Got something to hide?"

"Don't you think it should be a guy who checks?"

"As if we can trust any."

"Just because no guy even wants to be your friend doesn't mean none are trustworthy."

"I hate to agree with Ike but I trust Hirata." The strangely reasonable voice of Karuizawa piercing the surroundings.

It took a moment but both the boys and girls managed to agree to this direction of events, the bags being retrieved and placed in a line.

As Hirata moved down the line, scanning the bags quickly, he suddenly stopped short at my own.


"Huh? You found something?"

However as a pair of panties were lifted out it wasn't Karuizawa who reacted, but rather Horikita who snatched the piece of clothing, her red eyes burning into me, a nervous giggle leaving my body as she did.

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