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Zhongli POV

It had been almost a month now and we still had no idea how we'd got here, after the first week we decided to try and spend more time with our classmates in an attempt to create a temporary life for ourselves while we were here, I heard Venti had been spending more and more time with that Matsushita girl, as well as the two he kissed, oddly enough. A friendship that comprised of Kushida stopping Venti and Matsushita from causing problems while Ayanokouji got dragged along.

Ei had gotten close with Shiina and had also managed to spend a great deal of time with Ryuuen aswell as a large foreign boy by the name of Albert, a grouping I barely understood myself, but I supposed it made sense once you ignored Ryuuen's less than favourable actions.

While I myself had become close with Sakayanagi, I had also got to know Kamuro and Hashimoto through our mutual friendship. Well, Kamuro seemed fairly adamant that she disliked Sakayanagi despite them spending alot of time together after the first week.

I looked towards Mashima-sensei as he began to speak, over the month and with the help of the phone I was now acquainted with, I had quickly understood the material in the lessons, only being thrown off when things I had considered basic knowledge didn't apply to this world.

The most obvious being that despite the far more advanced cities and locations, creations even remotely similar to that of ruin guards would be almost impossible with this worlds technology.

I was pulled from my thoughts by his words.

"Excuse me class, please pay attention for a moment."

While most of the class was already focused, the odd few who, like me, were distracted turned their attention towards the teacher as he continued.

"Since it's nearly the end of the month, we will be having a short quiz, while I don't doubt you will succeed, the results will not affect your report anyway."

I hadn't been too worried, I was confident enough in my skills, especially in English, which despite not being automatically translated by my brain like Japanese, I had been able to understand extremely quickly, testament to my ability to memorise information. As well as history, even though I hadn't had the benefit of living it like I had in Teyvat, I had found deeply interesting.

"Please pass the test to the person behind you, once you all have one, I will begin the exam. Please stay seated and quiet until you are finished."

After recieving my paper I waited for a moment before recieving the confirmation that we could start. It wasn't particularly hard, I realised after skimming the questions, other than the last few I should be able to get about seventy percent.

I smiled softly, at least I wouldn't look like an outcast for doing terribly.

Venti POV

I felt like I could cry.

This sucks!?

What does half of this even mean... The Japanese wasn't that bad, writing, as I'd learnt earlier, happened almost automatically, all I had to do was space out while absentmindedly thinking about what I wanted to write.

And I was a bard after all~

My ability to enthrall an audience was second to none!

But... What was the rest of this! I'd never even heard of this stuff!

I wrote what I could before dropping my head in my arms and promptly falling to sleep.

Ayanokouji POV

As I finished writing I glanced towards my seatmate, who seemed to be doing well enough. I'd decided to score fifty percent before doing what Venti had and lying down.

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