Please be a dream!

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This fanart was on Reddit but the account says it's deleted so if anyone knows who did it then then I can add credits, anyways, enjoy the chapter~

Venti POV

What the fuck?

What the FUCK!?

Since when were Ei and fucking Morax together!? If I hadn't seen her being all cuddly with that old blockhead I'd have never even believed it??

This is probably a dream.



That makes sense, yep, absolutely!

That's why I can't feel the wind.

I'm dreaming.

Of course I am!

I mean, look at this outfit, it's all red and formal and this dammed skirt is-


Why am I wearing a skirt!

As my embarrassment grew I noticed a boy had been glancing at me constantly, he looked healthy but didn't stand out much, he was probably in awe of my amazing...ness? Is that a word?

Doesn't matter! I am the best bard in monstadt after all~ I basically make up words for a living!

"Yoohoo~ you over there! With the bored look!" I called with a cute smirk

He looked up in confusion at my actions. Of course he would! People aren't probably used to being called out randomly.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Yep! Um... Where am I...?~" I ask cutely as I stick out my tongue almost jokingly

I have to have an excuse if this sounds as dumb as I think it does, and what better than to say I was joking! Works all the time, never fails~


He looks at me with pure confusion, he'd been like that alot recently, well, not really, his face hadn't actually changed once, but it's fairly obvious what he's thinking.

"Are you being serious?" He asked, wow, he barely hesitated!

"Hehe~ who knows~" I tease.

I see him sigh before he speaks up.

"You're on a bus, based on the school uniform you're wearing then you're almost certainly going to the same school as me, ANHS, or advanced nurturing highschool" he says monotonously. Huh, I really got lucky with my choice in who to ask, most people would probably brush me off.

"Hehe~ thanks handsome-kun~" I tease with a smirk, hoping to break that bored expression, but alas my charms were ignored. Truly I am wounded. Definitely.


The bus stops and the hiss of air can be heard, wow, this dream is really good, probably would have ended by now otherwise.

I stand up and walk with a bright smile taking my first steps out of the bus.

Now I just have to find-


I glance back in confusion towards the voice, I am greeted by a dark haired girl with crimson eyes, she'd probably be considered pretty if she wasn't glaring like that.

"Yoohoo~ are you talking to me? I'm honoured~" I tease with a giggle but her expression only sours.

What a bitch!

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