{Chapter 6}

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Gilly was very surprised.

What could Jack possibly be doing on the Jolly Roger?

Jack closed the space between them by giving Gilly a hug. "It's been such a long time since I've last seen you."

Gilly smiled. "How have you been?" The last time she saw him was after the battle with Rumplestiltskin. He helped her with a case she had been trying to solve regarding some of the children from the village.

Jack smiled, "I have been doing amazing. How have those cases been? Have you got any new updates from any of the kids?"

"Yes, Eden and Beckally decided that they want to be police chiefs too." Gilly laughed.

He let out a light hearted laugh and smiled at her. "It's better than Evamber's dreams of becoming a princess." 

Gilly smiled. Evamber was convinced that she was a princess in disguise, just like Rapunzel.

Ollie was the one to finally interrupt their conversation, "Man, don't we just love all the tension in the room right now?"

Gilly laughed. "Right, guys this is Jack Spriggins. He played a role in Rumplestiltskin's defeat and has helped me solve some village cases. Jack, this is the group that will hopefully defeat Captain Hook before he can take over Enchantasia."

Jax was heard grumbling in the background. To make matters worse, Anna decided to ask, "Wait, so are you the one Gilly used to have a big crush on."

Jack pridefully smiled, "I sure hope so. After all, Gilly and I understand each other on a level that no one else does."

"And what level is that?" Jax asked, annoyed at Jack.

"The level where Royals could care less about mere commoners, leaving us to starve on the streets. Gilly and I both had to steal food so the people we cared about wouldn't starve."

To break the awkward silence, Gilly changed the subject. "Well, if we are going to stay here and plan, then we might as well get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow if we are going to start tracking Captain Hook."

Before anyone could argue, Gilly turned around, prepared to go straight to her room and sleep for a decade. 

Embarrassingly, she ended up turning to Peter Pan. "Could you maybe give us a tour first?"

He nodded and led the group around the ship. 

The Jolly Roger was even larger on the inside. It had a large meeting area, and an even larger seating area. Fully below the deck were rooms to sleep in.

As Peter led them to their rooms he stopped and apologized. "Sorry, I've never really had ladies stay in my ship before. Only lost boys."

"Lost boys?" Raina questioned.

"Yeah, that's what I call my pack of boys that stay on the ship. Though if you want, you could be an honorary member, M'lady." Peter said this with a wink.

Raina smiled, clearly falling for his dimples and devilish grin. 

Gilly didn't trust Peter just yet. She certainly would never fall for any of his charms, and she disliked his demeanor. Something about him felt off in a way.

When Peter said that they could pick rooms, Ollie decided that he would get first pick. He chose Jax for his roomate, then chose the room with the biggest window. Even though they were in the sky, he was certain that he would be missing out on the view if he didn't have a window.

Devin and Raina shared a room with each other. Raina claimed that she needed the room with the nicest mirror and shower. Heath and Kayla managed to score their own rooms. 

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