{Chapter 8}

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The crew wasted no time in joining together to come up with some sort of a plan. 

Everyone was at a loss for words. 

Captain Hook just attacked and threatened them.

Gottie was back.

Not even the Jolly Roger was safe for them anymore.

That meant that they would have to find shelter elsewhere.

Gilly had never been more stressed in her life. Of course, she had managed to fight Rumplestiltskin, but that didn't require as much training. All it required was the motivation to break a curse. Gilly also had time- time to prepare for battle and time to defend the school.

She had been through lots of training with the Junior Police Squad. She had went through every possible outcome for any type of event.

When she was younger, she tended to feel alone, like everyone was fully dependent on her.

 Her parents didn't even notice when she went missing for three days.

At the time, Gilly had no motivation to leave other than her father. 

It was the first time her father realized her habit of thievery. Of course, Gilly loved the thrills and risks that came with taking basic needs for her to survive. She felt like Robin Hood. A savior.

When her father found out, he was very angry. 

He decided to lash out on her, leaving scars and bruises behind.

That night, Gilly went to her room and packed her bags. She didn't have much, only an extra pair of boots and an old scarf. She didn't mind. All she wanted to do was leave. Leave behind everything. Her brothers and sisters, her mother, and especially her father. 

She obviously didn't get far. The second she left her boot, everything seemed to remind her of them. With every step she took, guilt built up on her. All she could think about was the guilt of leaving her siblings behind. That they were probably starving and cold. 

After the third day, Gilly came back. She was expecting her father to welcome her back. That he would be happy to see his daughter come back alive. 

Instead, he grumbled about having an extra mouth to feed.

Gilly stopped caring about what her parents thought of her. All she cared about was her family and friends. They were as dependant on her as she was of them; she needed them to survive. 

After the intense battle with Captain Hook and his crew, Gilly felt like that again. Se felt like everyone was depending on her. They were waiting for her to tell them what to do, what to plan next, and how to proceed. 

Gilly could feel the stress rising as she stood up in their group circle at the bottom of the ship. She took a breath, pacing back and forth.

"Look, team. We obviously need to come up with a plan, so let's list everything that we know."

"Captain Hook is after us." Kayla said first.

"Tiktock Croc is our friend." Devin added.

"We aren't safe in Neverland." Heath stated, making eye contact with her.

"Gottie is back." Jax said finally. 

He was refusing to look anyone in the eye, clearly worrying about Gottie's return.

Gilly started planning. "Has anyone tried contacting King Porter, Rapunzel, or Eugene recently?"

"Eugene?" Ollie questioned.

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