The story begins

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A small, fluffy silver monkey pokes his head into the doorway of a familiar noodle shop. No one seems to notice him as he sneaks his way to the back. He finds vegetables, some meat in the fridge, and spices, but nothing that seems to look appealing. He's about to leave when he's picked up. He screeches and flails, but is quieted by the pig demon that holds him. "What are you doing back here?" He asks. The poor monkey just curls in on itself.

The pig demon sighs, carrying the little guy to the front. There's only one other person in the shop, a guy with glasses and dark hair. He's eating something that smells delicious. The monkey is set down on a stool next to the man. "Hey Tang, do you know what kind of monkey this is?" The pig demon asks.

Tang, the glasses guy, looks at the shaking ball next to him. Tang gently picks the monkey up, a squeak coming from him. "Hm, I don't think I've ever seen a monkey like this before." He says, holding the little guy closer. The monkey opens one of his eyes. Tang seems surprised by monkey's eye color. "Well, that's interesting, his eyes aren't the typical brownish yellow, they're-"  he's cut off by the monkey twisting out of his grasp and running to the stairway.

The two men stare in shock as a small puff of grey smoke reveals a small child. He's still a monkey, but he's now sitting against the wall. The black, circular marking around his eyes a sharp contrast to the light silver of his fur. He's shaking, two of his four lotus petal ears twitching, with his arms in front of his face like he's going to be hit. He wears a tattered shirt and ripped shorts. His shoes look like they're about to fall apart. He's clearly a child that's been abandoned.

Tang snaps out of his shock first. He slowly approaches the child, hands down with the palm facing up to try and show that he means no harm to the still shaking kid. "Hey little one, it's okay." Tang says softly, kneeling a little bit away. "Pigsy and I won't hurt you. Promise." His voice is calm and gentle, as if talking to a cornered animal. Which, technically, he is.

The monkey slowly lowers his arms. "Y-ou no-ot hurt?" The kid speaks in broken English, some chattering being mixed in there. "No, we won't hurt you." Tang says, trying to guess at what he means. His hands are still lowered, palms up as he stretches one out to the kid. The kid looks from the man to who he can only assume is Pigsy and back.

He hesitantly reaches towards the man, before something spooks him and he runs past the two, out into the streets. The two men are simply stunned. "We have to go look for him." Tang says, grabbing his book bag and looking at Pigsy. "He might come back, one of us should stay in case he does." Pigsy says. Tang nods before heading out to look for the kid.

The silver monkey climbs up a buildings fire escape and lays on the roof. He watches as the man with the glasses comes out of the building, looking to possibly spot the kid. He sighs, heart calming down a bit. He tries to quietly sneak away, but the sound of a car horn scares him, making him yelp. Tang looks up and sees the kid jump from the roof he was on to the next.

"Hey, kiddo. It's okay." Tang calls out. The kid looks at him, hesitating again before slowly climbing down. Tang approaches the kid again. "Hey, come on, we'll get you something to eat and some better clothes." He says, crouching and gently holding his hand out. The monkey hesitates, before deciding to take the man's hand. "It's okay. Pigsy makes the best noodles around kiddo, we'll get some food in your stomach and let you get some sleep." Tang says, smiling at the boy.

The boy hesitantly gives a small smile. They make their way back to the restaurant, where Pigsy had some noodles going already. Tang gives a small, teasing chuckle at the pig demon, who gives a half hearted glare back. The boy sits on a stool, his feet kicking back and forth with his head down.

"So, kiddo, where are your parents?" Pigsy asks, putting the bowl of food in front of the kid. The kid stops, thinking for a few seconds before shrugging. "What's par-pants?" He asks.
"Parents," Tang corrects, "are the people who take care of you. Raise you." He says, patting the kid's back. The kids ears perk up. "Ne-er had," He struggles, looking perplexed, "par-rents."

Tang looks at Pigsy, who sighs. The kid doesn't seem to notice as he takes a bite, face lighting up before he starts shoveling food in his mouth like it's his last meal. "Whoa, kiddo slow down, you're gonna choke." Tang says, putting his hand gently on the kids back and rubbing. The boy stops for a second before continuing to eat, albeit slower.

After his meal, the boy yawns, his small fangs showing. Tang picks the boy up. The boy stiffens for a second before his exhaustion wins out, relaxing him as he falls asleep. Tang sets him on one of the shop's bench seats before turning to his friend. "Pigsy, we have to do something. We can't let this kid stay on the streets. I know you already have Mk to take care of-" Pigsy cuts Tang off.
"Mk's already a handful, but maybe having the kid stay with us will help bring him out of his shell, show him that not everyone is going to hurt him."

Tang smiles softly, holding his hand out for the pig demon to grasp. The two stay like that for a bit, just enjoying each other's company and listening to the soft breathing of the kid passed out on the bench. Tomorrow, they would get the kid some better clothes and Tang would start teaching the kid. For now, though, things were peaceful.

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