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Macaque and M/n lay on the grass for while longer, enjoying each other's company. The dark furred simian finds himself not minding the touch of the silver monkey. He's confused as to why, but decides to think on that later.

M/n gets a call from Mk as the two are laying there. "Hey bro." M/n says, eyes closed in content. "Hey, uh, I was just wondering where you are? You kinda disappeared on us." He says. M/n hums,
"Yeah, I went and met up with my friend Mac. We're at a park."

"Cool. It's getting late though, what time are you gonna be home?" Mk is pacing in their living room. "I don't know. Soon probably?" M/n replies, tail unwinding from Macaque's, who frowns. "What's going on?" M/n shushes him quietly.

"Oh, was that your friend?"
"Yeah, he's just wondering what's going on is all." The silver monkey answers calmly. Macaque smirks and grabs the phone. "Hey, Mac, Give that back!" M/n whined, reaching for the device.

"Hey, I don't think we've met, I'm Macaque, M/n's friend." Macaque says, leaning away from the silver simian. "Oh hey, I'm Mk, his brother." M/n continues to try and wrestle the phone from Macaque before the shadow monkey smirks again, falling into one of his portals.

M/n gapes as the monkey appears in the tree they were laying under. Macaque is still smirking as he talks with Mk, "Yeah, I don't have anything going on, I can meet you tomorrow." M/n's eyes widen hearing that. "Hey, give me my phone Macaque!" M/n says.

Macaque shrugs and tosses the phone to the silver simian, his tail swinging lazily under the branch he sits on. M/n catches the phone, seeing the call has ended. He quickly maneuvers his way up the tree, only to see the monkey is nowhere to be seen. Macaque comes out of his portal, back to where the two were sitting.

The silver simian smirks and lunges at the monkey from above. Macaque glances at the monkey, and turns. The two collide and roll around. Playfully wrestling each other. M/n ends up on top, smiling triumphantly. He leans down and whispers, "I win."

Macaque's smirk doesn't fade as he opens a portal beneath the two and drags the silver monkey through with him. M/n gasps as he enters the shadows. The area is dim, but not dark. Macaque is nowhere to be seen however. "Macaque?" M/n calls.

"Boo." Macaque whispers from behind the silver monkey. M/n turns, looking for the shadow. He doesn't see him, so he stays still and listens. Everything is silent for a while, before he hears the quiet rustling of clothes.

The silver monkey doesn't turn, instead he waits for the sound to get closer, once he knows it's within reach, he uses his tail to grab the dark monkey. He turns his head to look behind him. Macaque looks shocked, but also a little proud at M/n's strategy. He chuckles and the two are standing just inside the park.

"We should probably get you home. It's already late." The shadow monkey says. M/n sighs, but nods. The two monkeys walk, making idle conversation."Hey, if you're still wanting those lessons, I can teach you." Macaque offers.
"Yes please, I want to be able to help Mk. Try and protect him if I can." M/n says, looking determined.

The restaurant comes into view. The silver simian sighs quietly. "Why are you looking so glum?" Macaque asks, glancing at the male.

M/n looks away before answering, "It's just, I don't know why, but the time I spend with you is some of my happiest moments. It makes me think that I'm like the hero in your story, just with my brother. I'm worried that it may seem like I'm replacing him. And I don't want to end up like that." M/n's tail is twitching nervously.

"So spend some time with him, I mean, the way the story ends is up to you, isn't it? The future is full of possibilities." Macaque says, shrugging. The silver simian smiles and looks towards his home, where his brother is waiting. "Thanks Macaque. That really helped."

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