The End is Here!

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M/n splits his time between focusing on using his power, spending time with Mk and spending time with Macaque over the next three weeks. The monkey has stopped sparking when he gets frustrated or worried. He starts with controling small arcs of lightning at first, hitting targets in a rocky clearing so he doesn't set anything on fire if he misses. The farther away the target is, he less accurate his aim is still, which frustrates him a little, but it'll come in time.

He's in the middle of meditating in his home when he feels the ground tremble. He listens for what it could be as a second tremor rolls through the ground. He hears creaking metal and faint whispers before he stands and moves to the fire escape. He sees a blue glow on the horizon and frowns.

The simian starts to see bull clones roam the street, attacking anyone they come in contact with. He jumps over the railing, letting his tail hold him upside down, and aims at a cluster of the robots who are crowding two people. He takes a deep breath, the mirrors activating and moving to his hands before he lets the lightning go.

It hits the one in the middle, the metal conducting to the others. The group of  bull clones fall and the people take off. He lets go of the railing and flips, landing on his feet before he takes off, running to find his friends. He makes it to the docks quicker than he thought he would and finds Pigsy, Tang, and Mei in apocalypse style outfits and paint on their faces.

"Wow, you left marks on the asphalt, I didn't know you could do that!" Mei says, studying the ground the simian had run across. "I don't know. We can worry about that later." The simian says before the he hears more whispering getting closer. "Seems like DBK has made his move."

Mei is about to call Mk, who's on Flower Fruit, and tell him to get back as soon as he can, but a wave of bull clones come running towards them. The three pile into the van, M/n telling them to get somewhere safe as he gets into a defensive position. He hears the tires screech as they peel away.

The silver simian takes aim and fires. The lightning bolt hits a group of five, but the others jump away. M/n keeps firing at small groups of clones, taking a couple more down before they get too close for comfort. He cuts his losses and leaves the docks, running farther into the city on rooftops. He ends at the dojo, one of the only areas where the bull clones haven't gotten to yet.

He quickly enters before moving the giant wooden beam that worked as a lock. M/n sighs, leaning against the door. "Hey there." Macaque enters the room, holding a mango. "Hey. The city is being overrun with bull clones." The silver monkey's tail flicks.

"That's why I haven't gone anywhere." Macaque leans against the door next to the silver simian. "Though, they probably won't come near here, considering the wards I put around this place." He takes a bite of his mango. The silver monkey wraps his tail around the other's. "I hope Mk gets here soon, I don't think I can do much against DBK. At least not on my own." He pushes himself off the door, instead leaning backwards into his lover.

"You'd probably be able to do more damage than you think. The more you use your power, the better you'll get, and you've already been doing pretty damn good." Macaque's left ear flicks.
"Hm. I still don't think I'm ready to go against his entire family." M/n says, stealing a bite of Macaque's mango.

The charcoal monkey looks offended at his lover's audacity, making the other laugh slightly. "How dare you steal from me." Macaque says, suppressing a chuckle. "What are you going to do, hm?" The silver monkey has a glint of mischief in his eyes as he looks up at Macaque. The shadow monkey smirks, "I'm just going to have to steal you."

The silver simian blushes slightly before the two fall into Macaque's portal, reappearing on the couch. Macaque wraps his arms around M/n, effectivly trapping him, but he doesn't really mind. His head rests on Macaque's chest, hearing the shadow monkey's heartbeat. He can almost forget about everything outside. Almost.

The silver simian looks up at Macaque, noticing a small glimmer around the shadow monkey's eyes. "Hey, do you wear a glamour?" He asks softly. Macaque tenses before sighing, "Yeah. I do."
"Why exactly? If you don't mind me asking. If it's something you don't want to talk about, I won't pressure you too." Macaque stays silent for a moment before he sits the two up, the silver monkey straddling his hips.

"You remember that story I told you about? Where the younger brother was betrayed by his older brother?" The silver simian nods. "Well, I think you already know this, but it was a story about me and Wukong." Macaque watches as the monkey connects the dots, "So, he killed you? And you're indebted to whoever or whatever brought you back?"

Macaque nods, looking away. "Love, look at me." M/n says softly, gently turning the darker's face to his. Macaque's eyes focus on the silver simian's, who holds nothing but care and worry for him. The sight makes him feel a little overwhelmed, but he keeps himself together. "No matter what happened, or what will happen, I will love you. The Gods themselves couldn't change that." He says, kissing around Macaque's face before he connects their lips.

When they pull apart, M/n just holds Macaque's face, rubbing his thumbs up and down on the shadow's cheeks. "Do you want to see?" Macaque asks before he thinks. "If you're comfortable with showing me. If you're not ready I'll wait. There's no rush." M/n responds softly. Macaque bring his hand up to hold the silver monkey's. "I want to show you. I know you won't judge."

He lets his glamour drop slowly. His six ears, the top ones red, the middle ones blue, and the bottom pair green. Then his eyes, his left one turning purple and his right one being milky white with the scar going over it. He waits while M/n studies his appearance. He knows his moonbeam won't judge him, but he can't help but feel a little nervous.

M/n gently traces the edge of the scar with a finger, sorrow in his eyes. He leaves a trail of gentle kisses down it before trailing to Macaque's lips, reconnecting them for a moment. When he pulls away, he focuses on Macaque's ears, gently rubbing them. He smiles softly at his lover, "You look amazing." He whispers, looping his arms loosely around Macaque's neck.

An hour later, the two are interrupted by a banging on the dojo door. They look at each other before a shadow clone of Macaque's goes to see who it was. The clone returns and informs them that it's Mk. M/n moves the wooden beam again, opening the door before he's tackled in a hug by his brother.

"There you are! The others said that you told them to leave you and that they hadn't seen you since." The older says, holding the silver monkey close. "Sorry, I was waiting for you to get here. I don't think I could take on DBK's family alone." Mk shakes his head.
"Don't sell yourself short! You totally could have taken them. But DBK has been defeated. Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Mei are alright. But he was different, stronger."

"Wait, you already went after him? Are you alright?" The younger brother asks, confused. "Yeah, I'm alright. Got a little beat up, but no real injuries." He says. M/n turns to Macaque, who has his glamour back on. "Did you know Mk was back?" Macaque shrugs.
"Told you I was stealing you, didn't I?"

The silver simian stares incredulously at the darker monkey. "I could've helped."
"You would've gotten hurt. Unfortunately, your brother is more durable than you because of Monkey King's powers." Macaque shakes his head. The silver simian sighs, going over to Macaque and winding his tail with Macaque's. "Alright, but I'm helping next time the city gets invaded. No stealing me away." He says, giving Macaque a kiss on the cheek.

"You two are dating?" Mk asks, looking between the two. "I thought it was obvious by now? We've been together for nearly a month now." M/n says, giving his brother a confused look. "I owe Mei a lot of money." Mk sighs.
"You two bet on my love life?"

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