Sleep Bug

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A few days after the Spider Queen fiasco, things became semi peaceful again. M/n is currently spending time at the cliffside with Macaque, who has his glamour down. The silver simian sighs, leaning into the darker monkey's side. "I wish things could be this nice more often." He says, smiling. Macaque winds his tail with the other's. "That'd be nice, but more than likely it won't stay this way for long."

"I know. For now though, I'm going to enjoy it." The silver simian says before giving Macaque a chaste kiss. They hear M/n's phone go off and they both sigh before the silver simian checks it, expecting there to be a new crisis. He's confused when an ad pops up. It reads, 'New Sleep Bug! Download Now!' The silver monkey rolls his eyes and turns the screen off. "Just an ad for a new game." He says, shifting to get comfortable again.

Macaque chuckles and puts his arm around the silver monkey. They spend a few more minutes like this, talking about whatever comes to mind and relaxing before M/n's phone starts ringing. They both huff and separate before the silver monkey checks his phone, seeing its Mk. "What's up?"
"Thank Gods you're awake. I got home from training with Monkey King and no one is awake. I've tried everything I can think of to wake them up." Mk rambles, relief and anxiety in his voice.

"What do you mean everyone's asleep? They were awake when I left the shop." The silver monkey says, looking at Macaque with worry. Macaque gives him a confused one back. "Come back to the shop and you'll see. I can only assume you're not in the city because there are people sleeping in the middle of the streets, in cars, even in the arcade!" Mk sounds understandably freaked out and upset.

"Alright, we're on our way Mk, just try and calm down, okay?" M/n says, standing up and pulling Macaque with him. "Wait, we? There's someone else awake?" He says, sounding hopeful.
"Yeah, Macaque is with me." He hears Mk sigh in relief. "We'll be there soon." The younger says before hanging up. "We gotta go." He turns to Macaque.
"Already ahead of you, Moonbeam." He grabs M/n's hand and pulls him close before opening a portal for them.

They arrive at the shop a few moments later, Mk bursting out the door and hugging his brother, on the verge of hyperventilating. "Hey, let's take a moment and calm down. Try and figure out what's happened, okay?" M/n says, rubbing his brother's back. Mk nods before letting go. "Alright." The three go up to the apartment. M/n starts the kettle for tea. Mk hovers around his brother as if he was afraid that if he wasn't there, the younger would fall asleep and leave him alone.

"You've been through a lot Mk, take a break." Macaque says, putting his hands on the young man's shoulders and gently leading him to the couch. Mk sits down, Macaque sitting on the right of him, but continuously looked in the kitchen at his brother. The silver simian is deciding between two blends he got from Sandy. The brother's phones go off again. The younger checks his before muttering something and turning the device off all the way. Mk is his priority right now, not some dumbass game.

"Okay, so everyone is asleep and we're not sure of the cause. After we have some tea and calm down, we can go out and see if there's any clues to what happened." M/n says, finally deciding on the tea and adding the bag to the water in the kettle. He goes and sits on the other side of Mk. "What if the longer we take, the less chance there is of waking them up?" Mk voices quietly.

"Hey, we'll wake them up no matter what, okay?" M/n gives his brother a side hug, "As long as we're still standing, there's hope, that's Monkie Kid 101, right?" Mk smiles a little.
"Right. There's always hope as long as we're standing." The kettle whistles, signaling that the tea is done. M/n makes a move to get it, but Macaque beats him to it, a shadow clone bringing the tea and three cups over. "Thanks." M/n says quietly.

The silver monkey pours the tea, handing off the cups as he fills each one. The silence that falls over them is tense and uncomfortable. The silver monkey sees something out of the corner of his eye and goes to see what it is. There's a stray cat on the balcony, grooming herself. The silver monkey goes to their pantry and grabs a can of tuna. "What are you doing?" Mk asks.

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