A Hero is Born

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It's been years since the monkey child was taken in by Pigsy. Twelve years, to be exact. The now 21 year old monkey is currently sleeping in the room across from his adopted brother's. Unlike his brother, Mk, his room is tidy, and rather bare. His walls only hold a banner that was gifted to him by Tang for his 'birthday' three years ago. They never were sure how old the monkey was, but assumed he was about eight.

His floor is spotless, except for the blanket that had fallen off the bed in the night. The young adult is shaken awake by his hyperactive brother. He groans, turning away from his older brother. "Come on, M/n!" We're gonna be late!" Mk says, shaking the monkey harder. "Okay. Okay. I'm awake." M/n says, sitting up. He stretches, letting out a satisfied hum. He blinks slowly a couple times before swinging his legs off the bed. His tail swings lazily behind him as he gets ready for the day.

He grabs an apple from their shared fridge and starts eating it as he heads down stairs to the restaurant. He greeted Pigsy and Tang before throwing away the apple core. He put on an apron and went to help Pigsy with the food. Despite Pigsy being the main one to raise him, the monkey saw Tang as his father more than Pigsy. Maybe it's because Tang and M/n have more in common, or it may be that Tang was the one who spent more time with M/n as he grew.

It doesn't really matter, Tang and Pigsy had started a relationship when M/n was ten, so they are both technically his dads. Once M/n was old enough, Pigsy had him help in the kitchen. M/n was always eager to be able to help. The monkey sighs, content with his life. He hears Tang telling another Monkey King story to Mk. He glances around, seeing that Pigsy is in the storage area, probably taking inventory, since all the orders are made.

Speaking of orders, the monkey sighs, knowing that his brother is gonna get an earful from their adopted dad. He leans against the counter, listening to Tang tell the story of the Demon Bull King. M/n keeps an eye on the store's app to make sure no other orders come in. Tang finishes his story and Mk goes on a rant about the Monkey King. The younger brother chuckles, shaking his head. "Come on, Monkey King's not all that, he got into a lot of trouble." He says.

Mk let's out an offended gasp as he grabs a bowl for Tang. "You know he's the greatest hero of all time!" Mk yells before a spoon is thrown at him. "No one gets a bowl of free noodles! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!" Pigsy yells. Everyone in the store knows Pigsy is stressed with the pile up of orders, and that he'll let Tang have them for free anyway after said orders are delivered. Tang decides to tease Pigsy anyway by saying, "Well, Pigsy, I was paying with wisdom." That set Pigsy off on yelling again.

The monkey sighs before speaking up, "I'll deliver some of these orders, Mk and I can split them." M/n says, grabbing six of the twelve orders. Pigsy sighs, relenting. "Alright, but you two better be safe." He says pointing between the two brothers. The two nod, before M/n grabs his motorbike. It's not the prettiest way to get around, but it works and is cost efficient, which is good enough. Especially when it took half a year to save up for it.

The deliveries are usually pretty uneventful. The tips are also pretty small, a five here and there, occasionally a ten. But the last delivery on the monkey's list was at a theatre. 'It looks a bit rundown.' The monkey thinks as he parks. He enters the theatre, seeing the the inside is drastically different from the outside. The machines look pristine and new, the floor shines, and the lights are nearly blinding.

"Um, delivery for Mac?" The monkey's tail swishes nervously. "Third room down the left hall." The cashier says, bored. "Thank you." M/n says, heading in that direction. He hums lightly, a song having stuck it's self in the monkey's head. He opens the door quietly, hoping that if a show's going, he won't interrupt. The stage and seats are empty. He let's out a small sigh of relief.

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