Bad Weather

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M/n wakes up on the couch, the T.V. still on, supplying the only light in the apartment. He's not sure what's woken him up. He sits still, listening. His ears twitch every so often. He can hear Mk's soft snores next to him, the soft pitter patter of rain, but nothing else. He frowns, sure that something had to of woken him up. A soft, faint noise catches his attention.

He focuses on the noise. It sounds like something soft being dragged on the floor. He quietly gets off the couch, staying low to the ground. He catches the sound again, it's coming from the direction of their rooms. M/n nearly growls as he slinks to his door first. Nothing. He moves to Mk's room. He hears a soft thump, as if someone's looking for something. He slowly and quietly goes back to his room and exits through the window.

He keeps his body close to the wall as he moves to the fire escape. He perches himself on the handrail, his tail stabilizing him. He looks into the room, seeing a dark figure moving through out the room. He can't make out who it is. The figure opens the door to Mk's room and exits. M/n slides his brother's window open, shutting it as he reenters the apartment. The figure left the room's door open, so it's not hard for the silver monkey to sneak up behind the person.

They're standing over his brother. They reach a hand out before a low growl is heard. The figure stops and turns towards the silver simian, who's crouched and ready to attack, his eyes glinting in the darkness. The figure raises their hands in a sign of surrender, backing away from the sleeping man on the couch. "Easy bud. It's me."

The figure says quietly, it's a voice the simian recognises. The scent of peaches and salt air reaches the silver simian. "Monkey King." The younger relaxes, staring incredulously at the older monkey. "What the fuck are you doing, sneaking around our house?" M/n whispers harshly. The monkey King rubs the back of his neck. "Well, I was hoping to talk to the kid about training." He says. M/n looks at the microwave for the time.

"Mother fucker it is three in the morning." He hisses out. Wukong doesn't reply, seeming confused by something about the younger simian. "He needs sleep. Your talk can wait until later, after the sun is up." M/n says quietly. Wukong just sits on the floor, seemingly content to wait in the apartment. The silver monkey shakes his head and sits across from the older one.

M/n hears his phone buzz on the table. He quickly grabs it and looks. It's a text from Mac. It reads, 'I can't sleep, you up?' The silver monkey's tail swings back and forth gently as he replies, 'Yeah. Got woken up by a friend of my brother's. They decided three in the morning was a good time to visit.'

'Who the fuck would think it's a decent time to visit?' Is the reply he receives. He chuckles. 'My thoughts exactly. Like, he needs sleep. It's been an emotional rollercoaster the past couple of days. Leave him alone.' The male doesn't notice the gaze of the Monkey King staring at him. M/n and Mac continue to text back and forth, the silver monkey chuckling every now and then as his new friend makes him laugh.

Wukong can't help but think about
M/n's scent. He smells familiar, but the sage can't seem to pinpoint where he's caught that particular scent before. It's driving him mad trying to figure it out, the tip of his tail lashing back and forth across the tile of the floor. He's staring at nothing in particular, mulling over where he possibly could have smelled lilac and plums before.

M/n shifts a bit uncomfortably as he looks up and the sage is staring at him, a frown on his face. M/n looks down at his conversation, 'Dude, he's just staring at me with a frown on his face. It's weirding me out.'
'Want me to come over? It might help.'
'Nah, I don't think it'd be a good idea to have a stranger in our house, my brother's a bit protective. Just keep talking with me, it's helping a lot.'

Hours pass like this, M/n talking with Mac, and Wukong staring. Mk finally starts to wake up, stretching. "M/n?" He questions, not seeing his brother on the couch. "Over here, Mk." M/n says, tail lifting to signal where the monkey is. Mk looks over the back of the couch and sees Wukong staring at his brother.

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